
September 28, 2011

Back and ready to bring it!

HooooowDee! Well, this cowgirl is back from Nashville and what a spurrific time! It was good to have some face time with my stellar feller and we got re-nude together. (Hee Hee, sorry if that image burns your eyes out butt I couldn't resist, oh no there i go again, somebody stop me!) So I am sure some of you now are wondering how a good christian gal can talk like that, well, here it is. God created sex and sex is good so we are allowed to talk about it as long as we keep it monogamous and in marriage. So, moving on so ya'll don't un-follow me....

We were holed up in the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. The HOTEL is 52 acres, not ON 52 acres, it IS 52 acres large! They hand you a map!! when you register. Luckily we had our GPS so we could navigate within the hotel.
Glass sculpture in the lobby

The Cascades walkway

Gorgeous chandelier

You could take a boat ride through the canal!

Just breathtaking foliage

Koi being coy....

Indoor waterfall, one of three

Behind the waterfall, even the iron work is  made to look like water waves

Fountain and getting set-up for a wedding

Me and the hubs dressed up

Totally diggin' the E-man

All the Honky Tonks

Bella Mont Mansion
Uh, Oh a secret picture of that man 'o' mine

Bella Meade Plantation- definitely a must see for anyone visiting

Slave quarters- so glad that is over, very sad conditions inside 

A Spoondalier!!!! If you look real close above the cups you can see the lights!

All in all a fun trip but good to be home to see the little cowpokes and get back into the groove of everyday life in the Burgh. Why? 

I did not make Crafting with the Stars but I am Crafting from the Sidelines!! We are going to follow along with Crafting with the Stars and do the challenges just like them. I am also going to enter their sidelines competition for Wallflowers so you can vote at both places.

So keep your eyes peeled for a super knock-off challenge!

Go to: for the crafting from the sidelines competition. Voting opens Oct. 3rd here
and go to to read about the original competition. Voting will be open on Oct. 4th here for us Wallflowers

 Always being renewed,

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