
October 17, 2011

The little stuff

I was reading my bible today and praying for ya'll and I came across a verse I had jotted down when I started all this blogging stuff. It is so simple but oh, so powerful in how much God loves us.
1 John 3:20
God is greater than our hearts
He knows what is in our hearts and He knows all of the things we desire and hold dear. And His desire is to give us even more than our hearts have the capacity to want and desire. So every time you think something is too small to bring before the Lord, remember that little verse, and ask bigger, go bigger, dream bigger or go home!

Always being renewed,

1 comment:

  1. I receive your prayer and the blessings that go with it with thanksgiving! It's nice to know a "stranger" is praying for you. What a precious post. Blessings right back on you, too. :)


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