
October 9, 2011

Wine Weekend

My husband and his brother have been making wine since 2006. Every October heralds the crushing of the grapes followed the next weekend by the pressing. It is a weekend filled with pressing grapes, good food, and lots of laughter. Each year the pressing of the grapes lasts all day and friends come and go as their day allows. Some begin the day with us and some end the day with us, some begin and end with us. We love it and strive to create an atmosphere where those who come can relax and new memories can be created. This year my sister, brother-in-law and nephew were able to come, which always makes for great fun. So here are some pics to enjoy. Maybe you can come next year, we will have a glass ready for you.

Some of the crates, I see an upcycling project somewhere in the future....

MMMMM, crushed grapes

The Press

Natural Beauty

My nephew, sister and me

My talented brother in law made the labels

This years label. It may be the keeper.
The family name means little birds in Italian. Can you see the grape hologram?

 Thanks G. David. You are the best!

Always being renewed,

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