
November 8, 2011


Good News! I sold everything in the shop but now I got nothin' to sell! So I have been busy this week junking and thrifting as well as getting some other pieces I already had started. Oh and I've been doin a bit of life.

So last week I stopped at the Goodwill Outlet. Yes they have an outlet....I mean really, is this stuff even worth looking at? YES!!! Now mind you the outlet was about 35 minutes from my home so I did not wish to return with my 1978 Ford Truck (love it) to pick it up so I convinced the Goodwill guys to do me some good will and stuff it in the back of the Saab. The goal was to get it out of the car BEFORE my husband got home so he would not have a coronary at what I had done and am doing to his beloved car.
I mean it went in right?
Could. not. get. it. out. Now what? The kids have to go somewhere, right?
Needless to say my man came to the rescue and got it out. I am sworn to never do this again. It is a fine, highly technical machine I was told. Please do not haul furniture I was told.
What part of "it was only $15" did he not understand? I am baffled.

Then I decided I needed to get the three side tables I found for $20 To-tal, started but when I turned this one over to sand it look what I found.

If you look closely, it's held together with a long bolt and two nuts on the end (kinda like our family and can you guess what part I am?)

So took the top off and will attach it to another base when I find the right one

Cutting off the dowels to sand and paint in a gorgeous orange. This one I am keeping to put on the patio next summer but I'll still show you how I turned it into a keeper when I am all done. 
Then Izzy, my middle lima bean, is turning 8 in December, so sad =0( , so I had to get a move on with Thanksgiving preparation also on my plate. All she wants is a set of bunk beds. How do you say no!
Found this set at the Goodwill Outlet (loving it for the furniture!) for $40!!!!

Added simple wood embellishments to make it feminine

Painted it a beautiful white. The picture and lighting do not do it justice. Want to do a bit more on the rungs to make it more posh and then I'll show you it set up in the room. Can't wait to surprise her. I am going to set it up while she is at school and then when she comes home there will be a big bow on her bedroom door. It is kinda gonna be a surprise for Tess too I guess since they share a room. Good fun!

So Izzy has also been vacillating between cutting her hair and keeping it long. When my son donated 11" of his hair last June

This is so not fair.

(yes it looked like I had three girls. He took it well)

she started asking but then would decide she liked the long hair.

One thing I always want my kids to learn is to never NOT do something because of fear. Fear of what others will think, fear of how you'll look, nothing.

 So's gone I tell ya!

She looks somber but I had to tell her 20 times to stay still so I could take the before picture!

Not bad for an amateur hairstylist! She will be donating 12" to Locks of Love.

I had to give her a sedative so she'd go to sleep. Just kidding but there are a few more holes in the ceiling from her jumping on the bed so high. She won't be able to do that too much longer! Can't wait to show you the pics of her face when she sees the bed!

For you I pray that you will also be fearless this week. GO out and Do something you have always wanted to do. Take that first step to figure out what is or has held you back. Honestly, what have you got to lose that you won't gain 100 times over by conquering that fear? The first cut is the hardest....but it will be one nice wig I tell ya'!

Always being renewed,


  1. I adore your thoughts, ideas and words. Thank you for articulating beauty in your words as well as actions!! I enjoy "watching" junk come to life with a new (or redefined) purpose.
    Keep up the *amazing* work!!

  2. Corie- Thanks so much for the sweet sweet words. I hope yu are inspired to go make that "first cut" and do something fearless!


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