
January 13, 2012

What will these turn into?

December is a crazy month for us. We have 3 birthdays, an annual cookie exchange, and this year we added a trip to NYC to celebrate my In-laws 50th! So I did not touch a single piece of furniture for hover 6 weeks and it was killin' me. Every time I'd go to the basement to do laundry or get something from the freezer, pieces below would just stare at me hoping to at least get sanded or prepped in some way. The guilt was too much so as soon as I put the Christmas decorations away, the sander got to doin' its thang and I have been happily painting and spraying this whole week.

I want to showcase each piece but here are some pics of the girls before they got their groove back.

The leather inset had to go and I am currently looking for ideas on what to fill it with. Any ideas?

 This is the chest that got stuck in my car

Always being renewed,

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