
February 14, 2012

Valentine's Hair Pins

First thanks  so much for the encouraging words as I sort out my faith and this foggy blog. I say foggy because all is not clear to me yet but I am stayin' true to the path.

I <3  <3  <3  u! 

So because I heart you guys so much I am going to show you what I made today while I was sitting with my oldest as he suffered through the flu. We thought he had made it out alive, since last week 3 of us had it, but alas, he is infected. Poor kid. 

I had gotten some fun foam sheets out for my girls to make bookmarks this afternoon after school and it sparked the idea for hairpins. Not sure how foam and hair are connected, only in the mousse sense I guess.

 Start with your foam sheets, scissors, hair pins, glitter nail polish and glitter glue or paint, regular glue and glitter (although did not use today in light of the extra mess I was already having to clean up!)

I used a cookie cutter to make the perfect heart shape

I cut some with decorative scissors and some with regular.

Some examples of how I cut and arranged them

Stick your hair pin through the larger heart and slide the foam all the way to the end

Then I realized I probably wanted to put the hairpin in like this so it would look correct in their hair. Always somethin'.

Glue the smaller heart over the hairpin covering it up

Now the fun part.... Decorate!!!! Here I used dots of  my daughter's glitter nail polish
 I even took my hole punch and made some small polka dots out of the foam and glued them in place. If you do this, just make sure you keep the two poke holes close together and small when you put the hairpin through the foam. That way the polka dot will cover the hairpin. I truly hope that made sense.

Now go show your hair some love!

Always being renewed,

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