
July 11, 2012

Garage Door...Bench

So what did my old garage door turn into? 

If you guessed a bench than you win the prize!
Except I don't have a prize..... you'll just have to live with the satisfaction of knowing you are so smart and creative! And you were right. And we all know how much we all love being right.....Right? 

Now let's see what's left (Wahaha) of my garage doors!
I took two of the middle sections and used the better one for the top and the lesser one for the supports.

Because it was quite heavy, I added a support in the middle and braced the two ends with some high quality cabinet grade wood we had from one of our rentals. I was not in love with the gray but wasn't sure I wanted to tackle making her nekkid. But when I saw my friend Amy's window sill she had just striped using a heat gun, I quickly changed my mind. She let me borrow it and I was not disappointed. I  was not concerned with getting it down to the bare wood. I wanted it to be a little rustic and loved.

 I also know these pillows are not vintage enough but I'm working on it and I will show you what I came up with after we finish our annual summer party this weekend and we return from vacation the next week! THese pillows only cost $3 each at the local thrift. So I got all 6 because I know when you find good pillows and in a large matching quantity like this, who cares what they look like because you can always recover them in the fabric of your choice.   Just like matching lamps at the thrift. DO NOT PASS THEM UP! or you will be seeing them on someone else's blog and you will kick yourself for  being a DIY poser.

 This was supposed to be used for my super cool, huge farmhouse table I scored on the trash. (I was stalking that house for days, just waiting for the moment they took it to the curb. The moment it happened I grabbed my amazing son and we took the dolly down two blocks,  wrestled it on and wheeled it back up our alley and into the back yard!) Ya' know, with me, you do not get boring.

 When I put in place by the table it looked like a beast! Too high, too long, too everything.


I thought about cutting off the two end panels, or just making the supports shorter but have you read my post on my 4th of July dresses recently? Patience Kimmy-san.......something will come to you.....

As I was working on this, we had ripped out all of my plants along this wall and moved them in preparation for a deck.....which we then decided to postpone until next year. So this wall actually started to look like a great place for a vintage, reclaimed wood, garage door couch!

I love it. It looks and feels like it belongs. It is amazingly comfortable to sit on and my girls have already started to enjoy it at night while waiting for the fireflies to come a-knocking.

So, did I do good?

Always being renewed,

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My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops


  1. Hey Kim, I saw you over at the DIY Show Off today, you crazy girl! Congrats on the mention!

  2. What a fantastic idea!!! I love it. Megan

  3. That's just awesome! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from BNOTP. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Wishing you a grand week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. I love the rustic feel! It looks like it belongs in your garden!

  5. You did great I love the fact that you reused!

  6. utterly charming!

    hope you have a moment to drop by and do check out my giveaway on the sidebar.



  7. Hi,
    My second time joining in Met Monday, therefore my first time visiting you.

    An awesome transformation and the rustic touch is an absolutely got the highest point.

    Happy mid-week-
    /CC from Stockholm

  8. Yes, you did great! That's quite resourceful of you, Kim. :) I like the fact that you even put pillows on it. Since you turned your old garage door into a wonderful bench, do you plan on buying a new garage door?

  9. yes, you did it right! great idea! :)

  10. What a great way to up-cycle! We'd love to have you link it up at our "Home is Where the Heart is" Link Party!

  11. Hi Kim: What a great idea using recycled materials--I just love it, and the pillows--can't wait to see what you do with them! Have a fantastic week!

  12. Wow... are you kidding me?! A garage door?! It looks so great! :o)


  13. that is SO cool! and unique! what a fabulous upcycle!

  14. LOVE THIS! What a fantastic use of an old garage door- I would never have thought to use it for a bench!

  15. Hi Kim, I love your door turned bench! So different and cool. Won't you come by and share at my party Totally Transformed Tuesday? Hope to see you there.
    Peggy :-)

  16. Just fantastic, what's more to say! Really lovely and wish I had one. So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best!

  17. You did great! I can't believe that you made that out of a garage door. Thanks so much for linking up at One Creative Weekend!

  18. Hello Kim,
    You did Good! I love your bench, and it is so awesome that it was repurposed from an old garage door. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  19. Wow, Kim, I love how it worked itself out...with your incredible and creative help! I'm thrilled about this because now I'll never mistake garage door pieces for the worthless junk I sometimes pass up because I can't think of what to do with them. I too would love to have a long bench like this for outside. Started building something with wood I found and couldn't figure out what I was doing so held off on it. This gives me knew ideas. Great work, not only on building it, but for stalking it and bringing your dolly with you. S-weet!

  20. GREAT way to repurpose something unusual like a garage door ... Thanks for sharing this at the {what's shakin' link party} this week!!

  21. We've got heavy wooden garage doors that we're going to replace soon. I probably wouldn't have thought to do anything with them.. thanks for the inspiration! Your bench is lovely!!

  22. Toronto Garage Doors
    Wow! You have a creative mind.Now I also do like that of my old garage doors. All benches looks so good. Thanks for sharing this information with us..

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Sou apaixonada por janelas de demolição. Fiz 3 aqui na minha casa. E estou pensando em fazer um banco com janela veneziana. SE banco ficou maravilhoso!

    Se quiser conhecer meu blog, será bem vindo:


  25. Wow! This turned out fabulous! Love the up-cycled bench!
    Thank you so much for sharing @ {nifty thrifty sunday}! You will be featured at this week's party!
    xo! Vanessa

  26. Yes, you did good! Brilliant, actually! Looks great in this spot!

  27. You are so creative. It's gorgeous! Beautiful job!

  28. I really LOVE the bench!! Such a GREAT and unique idea!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  29. This turned out fabulous! Can't wait to see the pillow "afters". We never have anything good curbed in our 'hood. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you tomorrow.

  30. This is awesome! Love that you re-purposed! Featuring tonight at Mom On Timeout :)

  31. I was awestruck by the outcome of your recycled garage door, Kim. You even put pillows on it. :P I bet you guests would totally be amazed like me once they see your creation. By the way, I hope the new garage door you installed is working great! Hope it serves you for a long time like the old one did.

  32. Great idea! Before considering replaced garage doors useless, might as well think of recycling initiatives if it still good enough to help reduce waste, and turn it into something useful. This recycled garage door bench is very useful and it looks good on the yard for family members to sit on during small talks, and as arresting bench during gardening sessions.

  33. Very nice... you have a great idea.. good work, job well done.. :)

    bethesda garage door

  34. Thanks for giving such a nice post on Replacement Garage Doors. In this post, you gave very valuable information for Garage Door.

  35. Very impressive and unique color!I like the color of this garage and also the post.Such a wonderful post and view!
    Thank you!

    silver spring garage door

  36. What a great way to restore an old garage door! You have given your garage door a whole new life. The added potted plants and pillows feel so welcoming. I’d love to sit there while chatting with my friends and having a cup of tea. Anyway, I think it would be a good idea if you will add a small table.

  37. No wonder why you get so many feedbacksshower doors

  38. It feels awesome to read such informative and unique articles on your websites. Valentine's Day


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