
August 25, 2012

Another Booth Update

My booth updates are starting to sound like labor contractions. An update every 10 minutes!
Sorry if these are boring you but I am having a blast fixing it up, so bear with me. And they are from my iPhone again so really bear with me. This is all to have you come visit  me in person, then things won't look so grainy. Well, my laugh lines will still be there in all their technicolor goodness!

My old garage door just keeps giving back to me. If you remember, I had made a long outdoor "sofa bench" out of 2 of the wood sections. Well, I still had the glass window section that I knew I could use somehow.

What do you think?

I broke all the windows (it felt so good, like it was mischief night before Halloween!) and then scraped all the loose paint.  I have saved the hinges, lock brace, and rollers because I love industrial things and because I knew I would use them eventually. Well, eventually came yesterday!

I wanted to hang a pretty wreath on the door to show how something like a garage door can be used in your home.
 I like that I can change up the display too. I could hang a small wreath  in each window or I thought I might string wire or twine across each window and attach B&W photos. 
You could attach old heater grates to the rungs and have a shelving unit.
Possibilities are endless!

 I think I should have hung the wreath from the second "rung" but it was too late, I had already lugged it down to the shop.
I measured the diameter of the roller glide and then used a wood bit that was a little bit smaller. (Hee, Hee). De-grease it before hanging anything on it. I just used dish washing liquid and a scrubber and it was great.  Then I just hammered the roller into the hole and Badda Bing!
The wreath is one of those coffee filter jobs all over the Internet and 2.5 yards of silk ribbon. 

 Loves me some Industrial Chic.

Always being renewed,


  1. I LOVE industrial chic! Your booth looks great!:)

  2. I love your industrial chic that is awesome and I like your further ideas for display u might want to consider giving up valuable income space though unless your garage door and drop cloths are for sale? Just a thought that you should bombard the peg board with smaller items that are for sale but maybe that is your plan down the line- I'll shut up now
    Wish I lived close I know where I would shop!!


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