
August 28, 2012

Communion Table shelf Winner #2!

 I have officially begun to walk in Blogland, well toddle a little. 
Yes, my little blog is officially 1years old today!

It doesn't seem that long and yet it seems like forever.

In honor of my birthday and my 1 year blog birthday, I had made two towel bar shelves from a communion table and decided to give them away!

So today is the day for the second shelf to be given way......

The official giveaway name bowl.... and the winner is.......

Oh, sorry, let me get my glasses......

And her winning rhyme was

Happy Birthday a day late Kimmie! Your card's in the mail!

I had to construct this rhyme
So as not to spend a dime
on that pretty little shelf
I should've made myself
But Kim risked the lightening
& my house could use some brightening
I swear I'll make my own
when these gosh darn kids are grown!

I am super happy because Susan is one of my bestest friends from Grad School. I did not purposefully pick her name. I really mixed up the names and then picked after several minutes swishing my hands around in the bowl.

When I saw her name I might have said something like
"No freakin' way!"

Thank you to each and everyone of you who participated in my first giveaway. I had so much fun doing this!

  you people can rock a serious rhyme so I am gonna try my hand at it to thank y'all....

I wish I had skills to match your word making trills
You make me hang my head in shame
But I love each of you
 And all the things you say and do
So I am one blessed, blogging dame!


Always being renewed,


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!