
September 13, 2012

Lamp Lovin'

My Living room is desperately in need of lighting. By desperately I mean like it could star in a remake with Madonna called "Desperately Seeking a Lighting Source, Any lighting source". Long title I know but you will want to see this movie! It has a ridiculous ending, as most movies do, but you will leave inspired to try your own hand at lighting!

We have a old brass ceiling fan but no light. I had one light but it looked kinda lonely all by itself so
I have been keeping my eyes out for matching lamps at the local thrift for about 3 months.
Trust me when I say, it has been a while because apparently everyone just donates 1 lamp at a time!

You know of what I speak. You never see a matched set. So my hairs went on end when I spotted not just one,  but two pairs of lamps this summer while thrifting. It was very hard to choose but I decided on the genie style brass lamps. $7.00 each but no shades to speak of. No problem, I'll just get my director to score me some shades in the design set studio. They are big lamps which require big shades. I hadn't budgeted for the cost of the super sized shades however. Sigh. Bet I can make 'em!

I had visions of spraying them a funky color but then I realized I am not a funky colored lamp kinda girl. I am kinda modern country vintage so funky will stay on other blogs where it fits. But by the time I realized that I had already spray painted them with primer. Boo.

My next thought was mirror paint. 'Cuz I have like 3 cans of it. Note to self: Can't use mirror paint on brass or primer. Scrap that idea. These matching lamps were quickly becoming something I was avoiding due to decorator despair.

I have finally come up with a finish that rocks my world and if you feel the earth shaking its because it is about to rock your world!

Here is the before:

Great lines
That is always what you should look for when you look at something to makeover. These were brass and when I say they were ugly, well, you can bet your brass I am telling you the truth! You might need to squint your eyes a little to try and just make out the outline of something to try and imagine it differently. 
You are going to die when you see these lamps

Total cost for both lamps and shades?

 I told you this movie has a ridiculous ending that you will never believe.

I will be posting the how-tos of both the lamp finish and the shade tutorial so stop back.
I might put you in my next movie called "desperately seeking wall color"....

Romans 12:2 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Always being renewed,


  1. OMG those are amazing!!! I love them so much and they would have cost SOOOOO much at the store. I would say even Target would charge 50 bucks for the base alone. Amazing.....:)

  2. Great color - looking forward to the tutorial! I did do the bold color - turquoise lamp base - & it can use a do-over!

  3. LOVE! I have been working on a pair of lamps for the past month on and off. They were a couple of butt ugly rusted/oxidized and severely outdated lamps that I found in my dad's garage. I've been taking the time to sand them down to a smooth finish so I can prime and coat them in chrome spray paint. The first one came out so awesome...but now that I see the crackle finish I'm starting to wish I did it your way. Oh well...YAY DIY!


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