
October 13, 2012

No Fear Fridays

Hello Lovelies-

Are you up for a challenge? One that will change you forever?

This  post is going to be life-changing for me and hopefully for you as well. A few weeks ago I went to a Beth Moore Simulcast. Beth is a Christian Bible Study Author but also a gifted speaker and teacher of the Word. The topic she was speaking on was fear. She laid bare how someones words had caused her to be living in fear of every word she spoke on stage and how it had overtaken her life to the point that she could hardly say words without second guessing herself. God spoke into her life and showed her that His perfect love casts out all fears. She was able to stand and say "NO MORE FEAR!". She then spent months handwriting verses from the Bible that spoke about fear and she would read a page of them everyday. She eventually was so transformed and living strong in the Lord that she said to God one day "Who is this you are making me??"

Why am I telling you all this and not simply posting about some new project? Because I know God spoke to my heart that day and He wants this blog to be more than just a project gallery. He wants to change women's lives in a very personal way.

I know there are hundreds of women that are living with one fear or another or a whole host of fears that may not paralyze them but the fears  are slowly picking away at them and not allowing them to love the kind of life God wants for them.

Are you one of those women?

Do these fears sound like you: the fear of.......

not being liked
growing old
no longer being desirable
not being smart
not being a good mom
not being a good wife
never losing your weight
regret over past poor decisions
never conquering an addiction
not willing to try anything because it might not work
not being able to do it all

This list could go on and on. You do not need to live in fear and you certainly do not need to do it alone. I am including the link for the compilation of verses that Beth had put together so that you can download it and read these verses everyday. You can do a few or the whole lot. The Great Forsake and Take. But what I would encourage yo to do is DO IT.

Take a step of faith and draw your line in the sand that says "I will not let this fear (name it) hang onto my back any longer. I will not let this fear rob me of the fulfilled life God wants for me. I will not let this fear chip away at me and make me less than who I am to be."

He has put it in my mind to offer NO FEAR FRIDAYS. It was so extraordinary how He brought this to my head. He put the idea in my head at the actual conference because one of the verses she had was Psalm 68:11 - "The Lord speaks, and many, many women speak the good news." I knew this had to get out. But then I was scared. "What if no one responded? What if no one cared? What if I was doing this for myself? What if...What if....What if...." See where I am going with this. So I decided to pray about it and if the Lord wanted me to do this He would show me.  About 3 days later I woke up with the thought to read Psalm 27. So I read it.

 The Lord is my light and my salvation
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?

and at first I didn't get it.. A little groggy from sleep still I guess or I am just slow on the uptake. So I read it again. Okay so obviously HE wanted me to do this. But I still hesitated. Fear? Ya' think?

I need more confirmation Lord!! So my wonderful friend Revi from Revisionary Life blog sent me a comment, out of the blue, one day that said "You are fearless". Okay God, I think I finally got it. Sorry for being so slow. But as I would sit down to write the post, I would get blocked. Fear? Not so much as I think Satan does not want this to be spread around. He knows the power of transformed lives and it is not good for his business. So I finally prayed today and ask the LORD to write this post. And He is doing a marvelous job. Thanks God!!

What will NO FEAR FRIDAYS be? Fridays I will have a post related to this or just a video or something that I hope will touch you.

Mostly what I want to offer is prayer to cover you over the following week. I will also offer that if you are willing to let me know what your fear is, I will pray specifically for that fear for you all week. You can put it in a comment or if you would rather, you can email me. What I want from you in return is that you read those verses and we will cover it in prayer together.

PLEASE remember to include your email so I can respond back to you.

I am beyond excited about this because when you step out in obedience to Him, He will work a mighty miracle in your life for sure, but just watch how your miracle has explosions of tendrils that will affect others for generations.

Love to you all. Your stick and the sand are waiting..........

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies! Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Home Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality

My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! THANK YOU, Kim! Am I shouting? (all caps) I'm praising God for putting in your heart the words and links to share with us. You have no idea HOW MUCH I need this. Thank you!

    Hugs to you!

  2. Fabulous post. I have done several of her Bible Studies and seen several of her tapes. She is totally amazing. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  3. Wonderful idea, girlfriend! I know a thing or two about fear. You see, the spiritual roots to Adrenal Fatigue are, in part, FEAR. Not just the obvious fear, but all stress and anxiety is also fear, whether we like it or not. I completely collapsed and was in bed for 10 months with Adrenal Exhaustion.

    My heart is to see women free too> As someone who was so bound and didn't know it, and someone who was gloriously set free and healed, AND as someone who still is walking this out, I long to see women free from this.

    You are doing a good thing here, friend. He will lead and guide you and many will be set free. May He continue to lead and guide and give you great wisdom.



  4. Kim you're such a good person and so thoughtful! I'm really touched.

  5. I applaud you for posting this. Fear is such a powerful tool of Satan. I lived with it so much of my life. Through faith, I am now far less fearful, but still have my moments. Thanks for stepping out in faith.


  6. Kim,
    This is beautiful!
    Please pray for peace in my family, my 2 brothers have hard hearts towards me now that our dad is confined to the disease of dementia. They see this as an opportunity to finally turn their backs on me, point and accuse. Pray for their hearts to be healed of their fear, and lift my fear of man, fear of feeling hurt or attacked on all sides. Pray a hedge of protection.

  7. Hi Kim,
    God certainly knows the right woman for this job! You ARE fearless. I love this inspiration, and your obedience. I love Beth Moore studies - thank you for the link! I can't wait to see what HE has planned for you and for No Fear Fridays.

  8. What a timely post for me. I had a knock down drag out battle with fear and anxiety during my last pregnancy (5 years ago). Essentially, I had panic that lasted 4 months with no break. I thought it was defeated until we began pursuing having another baby. I'm not pregnant but I had first panic attack in 5 years this week. That night God led me to repeated verses about standing firm. Please pray for me to "Stand firm" and not give back any ground!

    1. AMy, I am praying for you and I am so glad you are being transparent with your fears. That is half the battle.
      Blessing this week and I know you will STAND FIRM with God's help.

  9. Just what I needed...I have loads of fears holding me back. I suffer from panic attacks, self doubt and I am my own worse critic. I want so much to be better and stronger. I am ready for this life changing challenge.

  10. Kim, you are right, fear is mighty powerful - I have too many to list. I'll be reading your posts. Thanks for sharing your faith to help others like myself. Blessing to you!

  11. What a wonderful post! I'm stopping by from 52 Mantels blog hop.

  12. Kim,
    So proud of you for sharing this and grateful as well! The darkness is only weakened by the divine light and spreading our strength, love, and gratitude will help all people benefit from God's love.

    Isn't it funny how we sometimes need to be hit over the head with those affirmations and realize God IS actually trying to tell you something. Ia m working on following my intuition and being more aware of the messages God and his angels are trying to deliver to me. And then ACTUALLY following through to truly improve my life and the lives of those around me. This is such a timely post for me-a message from God perhaps:)

    The more I have been connecting with the divine light around me every day, the braver I feel, the more sure of myself, the more accepting of myself and others I have become. It is empowering and exciting. Best of luck on your journey and I will be checking back with you on Fridays!
    Kim @ Too Much Time On My Hands

  13. I love Beth Moore! So glad you shared this---and I LOVE that you are sharing more than projects on your blog!!! Way to go!!!! God loves when we obey!!! Thanks for being honest and sharing the Word of God!!! <3 Hugs!

  14. Revi is fantastic, isn't she? I think this is a great idea, and believe it or not, I was thinking about fear all last week.....I am actually fearful of succeeding, and as crazy as that sounds, it's the truth!

    I think Fearless Friday is an excellent idea.

    Linking from Mod Mix Monday,
    Ricki Jill

  15. This is beautifully written. And so true, that we as women DO fear often. i love that you are going to make your blog an inspiration to women and to glorify God. Tou are doing a beautiful job. :) Visiting from This Little Estate. i hope you will stop by sometime too.

    i am your newest follower

  16. Oh! I love this. Thank you for a) sharing, b) laying out the path that led you to follow the promptings you were given, c) showing how we are all answers to others' prayers (so we need to listen to our promptings related to others), and d) being willing to stand as a godly woman and speak His truth.

  17. Wow! I really needed this today! I will email you but just know that this post has helped me already :)

  18. So inspirational ... Would love for you to link up to Welcome Home Wednesday at on the message!!! Debbie

  19. Amazing! I'm sitting here, my young daughter is home sick today and I was just searching the web and came upon the Project Queen website and saw on her site a link for your No Fear Fridays, I clicked on it and here I am. God works in our lives in the most extraordinary ways! Thank you for this. I'm not sure how to follow up on your No Fear Friday Posts? I guess I should just follow you by email. Looking forward to the inspiration. I will send a prayer request to you email as well.
    Thank you


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