
October 28, 2012


Remember the game in Highlights Magazine where you had to find the six differences between the same pictures?

You only need to find one....


Always being renewed,

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  1. People suck. Why on earth they would steal something like that is beyond me. Hope you either find it or come up with something equally awesome (that you can chain to the flipping floor!)

  2. Ι cant believe it! Is there any possibility that someone is messing around with you?

  3. That's just not fair...but why leave the light box???

  4. Oh no, I hate to hear/see this. I remember seeing on your blog when you posted this photo with the tub. I had just seen one at the Antique mall and was wishing I'd purchased it. Sorry this happened to you, it's a shame what some people will do. So sad!

  5. That is just so wrong! I can't imagine what kind of person would do that.

  6. I can't believe people have the nerve to do this to someone and also right on the person's property and home! Just terrible. I don't know how people can invade a person's home like that especially that it's hard enough on people! May God forgive them and have the heart to return it!


    PS: I am a new follower and ornament swap partner! I need to dig for some inspiration and will email you soon!


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