
November 19, 2012

Appliance Repair Interruptus

Last week I had planned on doing a little early Christmas decorating on my new to me FREE fix-er-upper mantel (more on that tomorrow) when our dishwasher decided to break. The door  wouldn't open at all. So I had to pry it open with a screwdriver and found that the latch was broken.


This is not a good thing when you have 5 people living in your house and only one of them knows how to load the dishwasher (and that would be my main man! just kidding, I know, I just choose not to. just kidding, or am I?) My husband did say while I was standing at the sink up to my elbows in suds "SEE! The dishwasher isn't broken!"

So I of course called Mr. Appliance and got the ball rolling on ordering a part. They would let me know when it comes in. Well, 5 calls later, no part was ordered and I am tired of washing dishes. Since I had been looking at the broken part for a week, I kinda got the feeling I could probably fix it myself. So I asked the kind lady for the part number and informed her that she no longer needed to schedule the repair, to which she replied "Are you sure you want to do that?" "Can yo get it fixed today?" "No." "Then yes, I am sure I want to do that."

She gave me the part number and I headed to the Appliance Repair Parts store. They were very helpful and I was out of there in 10 minutes, albeit with a lot of strange stares from the men behind the counter when I said to Tess "Now let's go fix that thing!" They probably thought I'd be back in 30 minutes.

Guess what I did fix it and I am so happy that I am going to show you how I did it. (If I hadn't fixed it, I was fully prepared to include the photo of the repair man fixing it...although I am sure he would say "what's a blog?" )

First things first:
A little jolt will do that to you when you are so excited to get started....
Old handle

New handle assembly. 
Apparently they don't just make the black latch separately because then they couldn't charge you $30!

Unscrew all of the inside screws on the door to get to the latch. 

Mark which way the front is in each of the wire boxes. Do this so you will remember which way they attach to the  new latch assembly

Use a flathead screw driver and wiggle this off. You have one on each side of the assembly. I did
YouTube a video on this because I was having trouble getting these off. Once I saw that he used a flathead it went very quickly.

Reconnect to the new assembly. Place back in between door panels and re-screw all eleven screws!

New handle in place. Turn the electric back on, cross fingers and toes and press the "Start" button......

Yes! Saved us $75 for the service call.

Moral of the story? Don't be scared to try and fix something yourself. Look it over, study it and see if you can figure it out. And don't let someone discourage you by questioning whether you can. 

What's the worst that can happen? 
OK, besides maybe electrocuting yourself.....
The worst that can happen if you can't fix it, is you wind up calling the repair man. 
But I say, give it a go sister!

You just might amaze yourself.

Always being renewed,

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  1. Your main man sounds like MINE! Implying we are dishwashers! ;) I am in the same boat, spent 2 hours "picking up" today before I could sweep and mop the floor. lol

    I hope you get some help with those dishes soon. You are one good Mama!

  2. You GO girl! Girls rule! So proud of ya! Of course, I would have never thought about trying to fix it myself. I would have begun to let the dishes pile up so the 'other dishwashers' in the house decided to wash them when they began to run out of plates. BUT, that's just me! lol

  3. Hey came over from your comment on my blog about the bookcases! Saw this post and thought this was sooo me a few months ago. My dishwasher had a leak, and I was too cheap to hire out for the repair. So I diagnosed the problem and googled to find instructions on how to fix it and I did. The part only cost me $22 dollars and I saved the $75 trip charge + repair cost. Nothing beats DIY! Good for you!

    1. P.S. I was so determined to fix the problem myself, I created a board on Pinterest with instructions on how to fix it!

  4. Really quality information, thank you so much.


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