
January 11, 2013


I had a great welcome back post all ready for ya and Blogger wouldn't save it! Although I thought it had and I did hit "publish". When I went to check it it had only saved the first two paragraphs!!!!! and it took me about an hour to type it. ERRRRRG BLOGGER!

Since I don't have another hour to re-do the whole thing, here is the cliff notes:

1. Rethinking how I am going to be blogging
2. Had a cookie exchange: here is the centerpiece:

3. Made sweater trees at the cookie exchange. Found out I do not know how to make a cone out of a cereal box and therefore have earned the label: conically challenged or CC for short.

Here we are cutting our sweaters to pieces

Here's the other half of the group being the class clowns!

4. Turned leftover sweater into a cute tunic for Izzy out of one of the one-armed sweaters left behind at my house. 

Just zigzag the edge of the sleeve and you are done.

That was exhausting!

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies! Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Home Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality

My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Wait- how'd you do that? The tunic... It's just too cute and something my kiddo would really enjoy!

  2. Great tunic! I have to say that I am re-thinking the way I am going to blog in the New Year! Being sick right now I have taken a chance to visit all my favorite blogs but have not been posting much.

    Have a great day!


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