
March 6, 2013

Weekend in North Carolina!

Oh, I had a wonderful weekend visiting my friend Susan from graduate school over the weekend! I haven't seen her in about 10 years. She now lives in Charlotte, NC and we just kinda cooked this up over Facebook and I am so glad we did.

I had a terrible trip down because I get ridiculously motion sick, which I usually do, but I have never actually gotten  sick. I just feel nauseous the entire trip and then when I am on terra firma again, I recover.

Not so this time. From the minute the  plane lifted off, I was a hot mess. I was praying the whole time for the Lord to keep me from embarrassing myself in front of 100 strangers. Well, no such luck but at least I was able to make to to the on board telephone booth of a toilet before lunch let loose.

Have I said I hate flying?

Luckily the trip back was way better thanks to the Less Drowsy Formula of Dramamine. I will never fly again without the stuff. I had absolutely no problem on either flight and I was even able to eat Taco Bell....which is really a testament to the powers of this magical pill. (This is not a paid advertisement for Dramamine, although I would totally do that because I now in love with the stuff and will never use anything else. Ever.)

We decided on the first weekend in March for two reasone: First because Susan assured me that the weather will be fantastic.
So this is what we woke up to on Saturday:
Yes beautiful. But for real!?!?!?!?
40 degrees and snowing. At least I was used to it, being from Pittsburgh and all. That's about all we have seen this entire winter. This just put the cherry on top. I am so over snow.

It did warm up later that day as we set off to antique our little hearts out.

Secondly, Charlotte has an antiques expo the first weekend of every month, called Metrolina Antiques Expo, and we both loves us some old rusty things! I have to say the Confederates have way better antiques than us Yankees. I have never seen such good pickings. Susan offered to help ship stuff if I bought anything.

How do you ship the entire Expo, I wonder? And would there be a multi-item discount for shipping???? Hmmm, it was tempting but in the end I just snagged some cool small glass bottles that guaranteed St. Joseph's syrup to work on just about any ailment. How about motion sickness???

I did meet a woman who paints furniture at one of the booths. Her name was Pia Crook and she runs Really Cool Stuff. She was asking us what color we would paint this really cool wood mirror and my sweet Susan pipes up, "Well, you should ask her (pointing her thumb at me). She paints furniture and she writes a blog." 
I am so bad at marketing myself. Luckily I have good friends who speak up for me. I gave her my card and she promptly states that she has heard of me. 
To which my sweet Susan replies, "Ahhh, You're famous!"
Not hardly and I am sure that woman was just being kind by saying that, but it still felt a little good. ANd then I almost walked into a table so that very quickly brought me back to earth. 

We saw so many neat things and the history unfolding was phenomenal.
I was snapping pictures left and right with my iPhone to share with you all of the awesome re- purposing and fun things that we saw. Here are a few to get your thinkers thinking!
Everything in this shop was amazing. Re-purposed wood everywhere

and he had an amazing moose head too. Need I say more?

need to make a cushion like this for my trunk

On the hunt for an Oxen Yoke now.........

I just realized I have a light fetish.

So, ignoring the fact that I get hellish levels of motion sickness, 
when do you want to go back to Metrolina with me????

Always being renewed,

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Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!