
May 10, 2013

Hollywood Regency End Tables

Ready for some eye candy?
Finally got around to reposhturing these awful tables into something 
worth talkin' about!
These were found on the trash on the way home from piano lessons about a year and a half ago. They got stuffed in the basement and promptly forgotten about. Unearthed them when we had to clean up the basement recently and they came to light once more.
Shazam! Did they need a major overhaul.

See they are even dated so you know I'm not lying to you! I had visions of keeping that top like it is cuz' I find it kinda funky and fun but couldn't figure out a color that would go with it. I guess that is why it languished under piles of pallet wood....

Then I had another Shazam! moment and decided to silver leaf the tops and just the tips of the legs and my Hollywood Regency End Tables were born.

I sanded, primed and painted the frame first, then taped off the edges and added the sizing ( that's silver leaf speak for "glue"). Once the sizing was tacky, I started in the middle and just added my squares of leaf one at a time, towards the edges.

Use a soft bristle brush to adhere it gently and when all of the squares are on, use a more firm hand with the brush to push it into the surface. Brush all of your shavings off and poly with Polycrylic so that nothings yellows over time.

Have you ever tried silver-leaf? Will this make you want to try? Do you think a detailed tutorial would be a good idea?
Let me know in the comments section.

For some more leaf projects that I've done see Copper-Leaf Drop Leaf table and my Faux Mercury Lamp Bases

Always being renewed,

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  1. Oh.My.Gosh!!!! My heart went pitter pat so fast when I saw these tables! I would LOVE a detailed tutorial as I've never worked with gold or silver leaf. These are gorgeous! In fact, when I first saw them I thought it was metallic spray paint, so I was very surprised it was silver leaf! Thank you for sharing, Kim.

  2. These turned out great! Such good inspiration! My mind is swirling!

    It's Always Ruetten

  3. LOVE the tables! Would also love a tutorial!!!!

  4. These look great! Simple yet a touch of glam. I've never tried silver leaf because I've heard it's complicated. I have used Rub n Buff in lieu of silver leaf, though. I made over a coffee table with it, which you can see here:

  5. These are absolutely gorgeous! Love the silver paint. If you get a chance, please link this to my linky party:

  6. I featured your Mod tables today at Mod Mix Monday!

  7. Kim, I featured your tables today on my blog Finding Fabulous! Love them...great job! Come check it out and grab our feature button if you like. Have a great day!


  8. lollipops' what i love wednesday is on its very own blog now :) check it out <3

  9. They turned out beautifully! Love em! I have been wanting to try gold or silver leaf for a while. You are pushing me into it now. :)

  10. Amazing and gorgeous! I never would have thought to silver leaf a top of a table. A tutorial would be great!


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