
July 19, 2013

Modern Orange

If you know me then you know I loves me some orange! I have been dying to paint a piece of furniture orange for like foreva. Well, I finally did it.

 I found this little table at an estate sale and snapped it right up.

I snapped it up so fast I didn't really take a good long look at it like I normally do to see if it needs any major repairs. I overlooked a pretty messed up foot. 

And it was in front!

Thank goodness for Bondo, again. It has come to my rescue more times than I can say.
Yes, all that pink is Bondo. That is how seriously this foot was flawed. The wood looked like something had gnawed on it. I had to put about 3 layers on it to build it up over and above what I needed so I could sand it down into the shape of all the other feet. But now it is S.O.L.I.D. and level. Which is always good for a table.

So are you as happy as I am to see an orange table? 
I love the teal and orange combo. These colors are complimentary which means, when placed next to each other, they reinforce each other. In other words, they bring out the best in the other color. 

I also love that this traditional table looks really modern just by changing it's clothes. 

Of course I lined it with orange paper. If I'd had teal paper, it would have been a way tougher decision. 

I seriously love, love, love orange.

Always being renewed,

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  1. I love this so much!
    My gramma had a table like that so it made my heart soar to see this.
    And that color is AMAZING!

  2. Wow! I really love this! You are right about the DNA thing lol!

  3. This is so pretty! Love it!
    I am your newest follower. Would you follow me back?


  4. That is so cute!

  5. Love this! I'm an orange fanatic as well. I found you from Chic on a Shoestring. I linked up an orange project too! Great job on this table.

  6. Seriously, I'm in LOVE!! Orange is one of my fave colors! Love it matched with the blue!

  7. Wow, I would never have thought to use orange to paint furniture but this looks FANTASTIC! Great job! Thanks for opening my eyes to more options!

  8. Seems I am not the only one that loves orange. Your table is gorgeous. I too have recently created a my own orange project.

  9. Well done! Orange is a hard one to pull off without looking Halloweeny and you chose just the right color. Stopping by from Not Just a Housewife.

  10. That is a darling table! I love orange, too. I'm visiting from Kammy's Korner.

  11. Kim what a beautiful piece! I think you may have me liking a little orange.

  12. Kim the table is amazing. Not only that, it is the perfect shade of orange. This is such a wonderful and inspiring post. I would love it if you would share this post at our WIW linky party. Hope you can join us today!


  13. Love, love, love the big POP of orange.

  14. Beautiful rescue! And I'm loving what you've done with the place! Great header!

  15. I love this table, the color is beautiful!!

    I am featuring your table at my Paint Party Starting tonight @ 8pm MST!! Come by and check it out!

    Thank you,

  16. Wow, That table is terrific!! The gang over at My Personal Accent think your post about the Modern Orange Table is really incredible. We would like to invite you to party with us starting at 5:00 Thursday nights at our new Blog Strut Peacock Style Link Party to share your creative ideas. Come on over!!

    1. Thank you and I did link up. Appreciate the invite!

    2. Beautiful job! Since I'm from Tennessee (Big Orange Country), I absolutely love orange myself. What about the paper lining the drawer? Is it shelf paper? I'm working on an old trunk and need some ideas on how to line the bottom. Any ideas? Your work is great...keep up the good job.

    3. This is tissue paper that has been attached using spray adhesive and then sealed. And thanks so much for the sweet comments!

  17. Did I miss the name of the paint color? I don't see it anywhere. The table looks great. I have one identical that is just waiting for me to paint it. You gave me an idea about color. Thanks


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