
August 16, 2013

Somewhere along the line I talk about my Dining Room Chairs getting madeover

It is funny sometimes how one thing morphs into another isn't it? I had to get some new knobs for a custom job I was working on for a client, (which is super cool by the way, can't wait to show you!!) so I had an evening to go to Hobby Lobby and myself!

So I put on a little makeup so as not to scare the checkout gals and got to cruisin' in the Equinox. Now Hobby Lobby is about 25 mintues from me and it was about 7:15pm.  I was taking a leisurely drive to my destination, with my window down and the wind blowing through all five of the carefully coiffed  hairs on top of my head when a fleeting thought crossed my mind.....

"Doesn't Hobby Lobby close at 8?????"

Yes, they do. 

Wasn't every little old blue hair out that night....YES!! 

Was I acting like Jesus when I was picking them off right and left on Rt. 65??? 
NOT on your life.

Knobs are THAT important.

I agonize over picking knobs. 
15 minutes was pushing me to the brink of insanity.
Could I do it?
Well, No, let's be realistic...but I was going to die drying.
So I dug down deep to my wanna-be cheerleader days and started my internal chant of
as I booked past the double automatic sliding doors.
I might have even started to do some discreet hand positions to really get me going as I browsed the hundreds of knobs blurring my vision.

I felt like I had run a marathon...I was drenched in sweat, my legs felt like rubber but I did it!
I really did it!

Not only did I nail my round off into a full one and a half back flip with a twist ( is there such a thing??)
but I managed to pick out the knobs after only 5, yes 5! minutes!
See hand signals really do work.

I sent my girl Virginia, my super cute client, a little tease over the iPhone.
She loved them too, 

Okay all this to really say that after that ordeal, I wanted, yes needed, a little something to work off all the adrenaline flowing...
so I headed over to Home Goods, Marshalls
TJ Maxx cuz' they are all in the same complex and I now had proven that I have super hero powers of decisiveness and I could hit all three of them before they closed.

Guess what I got?
This was only $19.99 at TJ's. It now holds all of my throws for the living room in one easy to access and easy to clean up place. Found in 10 minutes, not even a second thought went onto this one.

Then I headed over to Marshalls and scored a ridiculous score. (Go Team!)
I found 3 table cloths that look like grain sack, and act like grain sack but do not actually hold grain or sack.... 
One did however cover my Dining Room table..

And I picked up two sets of matching napkins, one set might be made into pillow covers

One square table cloth was put away for future "fancy"use and the third was going to be used to make a slipcover for this beauty....and I use that term loosely...
 but I just couldn't get the stripes right on it so I bagged it in favor of.....

recovering my dining room chairs! Yes, we finally got to the whole reason for this god-forsaken post!
So I can check that off of the list of  things I wanted to do this summer.
One 108" table cloth covered 6 chairs and I still had some leftovers. 
Total cost? 

Now I know that this isn't the best color for a family with kids but I love how they look.

I thought I might just make little slipcovers so I could throw them into the washer whenever they got dirty but then realized that my seats would just look like they do now because the slipcovers would be in the wash every day.

I was then going to cover them in plastic but I couldn't make the plastic work and I was starting to NOT act like Jesus again as I wrestled with corners and staples and the general slipperiness of it all and said the heck with it. 

My children will just have to eat on the floor.

Just kidding, I do have plastic just sitting on them now for our daily use and then when we have company over, I can whip the plastic off and company can sit on the floor.

Alas, I did not get anything at Home Goods although I was THIS close to picking up a set of Pom Poms....

Always being renewed,

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  1. Ha ha, my great aunt had a stuffed chair just like that one! It will look amazing when it's recovered. Can't wait to see it:)

  2. I looove that basket from TJ's! I do the same with my throws.

    1. So much easier than throwing them in the ottoman.

  3. bwahaha!

    I'd really have enjoyed
    watching you pick off
    little old ladies
    in your mad dash

    5 minutes?

    you're my hero.


  4. Love ALL of your last-minute-before-the-store-closes finds! I ALWAYS forget that Hobby Lobby closes at 8pm...that is REALLY a bummer after driving across town and finding it closed. (However it IS nice some mornings to remember that it opens at 9am in my town). Thanks for sharing your snap decision purchases with us!

  5. Great work! The chairs looks great. And its a easy way to redesign your dining chairs without being heavy on your pocket.


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