
September 21, 2013

New Addition!

So I haven't been dead or anything, I am sure you are so releived to hear that, just busy getting to know.....
Miss Luca Adelaide!
Can you believe how gorge she is! She is a little (ok 50 pounder!) Pit Bull we rescued from the shelter.

Now before you say are you crazy! A pit bull. They are vicious killers! I am going to give you a link to a quiz and and a website so then I feel like I have provided some education about this sweet breed then I want you to come back here and finish seeing our girl!

We went to the shelter looking to meet three other dogs and none of them were a match for us. We need a dog that is pretty non-reactive to other dogs because we have dogs on either side of us. Our other pit bull used to run the fence with the sheep dogs on our one side but Miss Luca could care less. She sits outside and looks at the sheep dogs going crazy over her presence and I am happy to say SHE is the one who behaves well. SHe lays there and lets them bark. I think I did see a thought bubble over her head that might have read "Sheesh! Have your owners give you some manners training!" But that just might have been me reading too much into it.

 We also knew we wanted a dog that wasn't jumpy or crazy active. She mostly does this....
and this! But when she gets outside, boy will she run and bound with you!
I attempted to get a close up of her cute face but she kept doing this...

and this.....

and this! I am not good with subjects that  move!
 She started to learn come and she already is great and sitting. Laying down did not need to be taught.
 She comes out of her shell every day and I just feel like we got  a diamond that no body could see except the shelter staff. She spent two months there and they suggested we take a look at her and I am so thankful that they did. She was the dog that they took to all of their community outreach events so she is pretty nonplussed by crowds. She is also the one they used to test other dogs on thier dog reactiveness. Did that make sense? So that helped a lot in the decision making process as well. The staff was so happy to see her go home with us.
Can you believe how sweet that face is? 
What do you think?

Always being renewed,


  1. Oh...she has a very sweet face! Congratulations on the new family member although in my experience...a rescued dog is always on its best behavior the first couple of weeks cause it thinks you just might get rid of it. Mine haven't barked and have been docile to the others then once they feel like you love em too much to get rid of them...out comes the barking and bad manners. Nothing serious...but Sally was totally mute the first month I had her and now she is my barker.

    I love rescuing though....just love dogs...she is very lucky you adopted her.

  2. My family has a love for pit bulls. They are some I the sweetest dogs we have ever owned and practically think they're lap dogs. I'm glad you found a great match for your family.

  3. Rescue success story! Good for you! So many dogs (and cats) need a good home. Thanks for the enlightenment about the breed...I know that it is bad owners that have put the stigma on pit bulls. Enjoy your new family member!

    1. Thanks June! She is so bright and funny. WE are enjoying getting to know her.

  4. Pit Bull have a bad reputation, but it is the owners that make them aggressive. My son had a pit bull and she was the sweetest dog ever. And rescued dogs are the best! You are lucky to have found her, she will make you life so much fuller. Good for you for looking for a rescue dog and not going to a breeder. Bust of luck with on you journey with this newest family member. Suz

    1. We have always loved rescue dogs. There are too many dogs in this world that don't have homes. I hope she loves us as much as we love her!

  5. Kim I cried when I read your post. I have one and a half pit bulls. Our Candy is a red nose pit and our Nina is mostly pit and God knows what else. If anyone had told me I would own one never mind two pitties, I would have told them they are nuts and now I cannot conceive having any other kind. Remember: Saving one animal will not change the world but it will change the world for that one animal. Karma is a good thing. God Bless you and your family.

    1. THank you so much! We have always loved the dog category of Pits. They love their peoples!

  6. She is a cutie and a very lucky dog! Good for you Kim!

    1. Thanks Olga! She is funny though..she must have either lived with a little dog or had a little doggie friend because she definitely perks up with little dogs barking and pays no attention to big dogs.

  7. We found our sweet Izzy at the pound, best guess she is a boxer/pittie. She is best dog we have ever lived with and loves every person she meets. So very grateful she found us.


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