
October 23, 2013

Baby Dresser

A while back I was asked to change a desk into a changing table for Virginia and Chris who are due with thier first in November! I love that they did not find out the sex! We did not know for any of our three and it was so much more exciting. 
They asked if I could then piant Virginia's dad's childhood dresser for the baby. Of course I was delighted. It really is a very cool dresser that did not reveal all of its swell features until he/she was painted (we don't know the sex of the dresser and changing table yet either, wink, wink).  So they picked up the changing table and dropped off the dresser the same day. We decided the green of the changing table might be too much green so Virginia suggested a creamy white and I agreed. We added touches of green on the dresser so the two pieces although very different in style would look cohesive thorugh paint. 

I neglected to take a before picture, of course. I get so excited about painting furniture that I usually am painting away before I realize I should have documented the state it was in before the transformation. 


So I cn only show you the beautiful after.....
This piece has so many beautiful features that were totally lost when it was it's old orangey self.
Don't you love that little curved drawer!

We added green under the white and on the knobs to bring the two pieces together.

Here you can see more of the green under the white. I am still trying to learn photography!

Can't wait to meet this little person when he/she finally arrives!

Always being renewed,

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  1. Beautiful! I love old furniture given new life!

  2. I LOVE the soft green color added to it! That dresser is wonderful for a baby's room.


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