
November 16, 2013

Future Projects

Since I am still under the weather I thought I'd show you some future projects that are kinda being completed piecemeal. 

Waterfall Dresser found on the trash. I love waterfall dressers. They are a little tough to paint that rounded edge but they are so pretty I keep going after them! This one has been challenging because the drawers don't fit! You'll see my solution for the drawers and the dresser, maybe by Christmas but I hope not. 

There must have been a lace runner on the top with something heavy sitting on it because it left an imprint in the veneer. I had a devil of a time getting that smooth. 

 A little $3 desk my mother-in-law snagged for me from their church's rummage sale.  I'm so bummed that we have all but 1! of the handles. I am on the hunt for something to match it but not to hopeful. Any suggestions?

And this here cedar lined armoire had been sitting in my garage for about 10 months. I finally have any idea of what I want to do for doors. Now all I have to do is build the darn things!

Anybody else such a huge procrastinator? I'll wait till next year for your comments =0)

Always being renewed,

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  1. That desk is killer! I would just sit on it without the pull until you find exactly what you are looking for! What a great deal!

  2. Can't wait to see the maker overs done! Maybe throw on a glass set of drawer pulls.

  3. VERY cute stuff! For the desk, I'd make the top right drawer a single-pull, using what you've got. That way the entire left side has double-pulls. Many desks have a single-pull drawer over the knee-hole.

    1. Brilliant! Thank you Julie. that was just the idea I needed!


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