
December 9, 2013

Sweater Tree Skirt

I have been a mad woman trying to get the house festive for my annual cookie exchange AND my daughters birthday this past weekend so that might be why you haven't seen to much of me lately. Since her birthday is December 6, she likes to have the house decorated and she likes to help as well. It is very fun to see how she puts things together. It gives me a glimpse inside her little noggin…she has great ideas and is not bound by the "what will people think?" gorilla... She just knows that she likes it.
I like that mode of thinking.

So I did make a few projects last week for Christmas because my decorations needed some serious updating. I had gone through my decorations at the end of last year and finally donated what I had not used in about 5 years. It was very liberating. I do think your tastes change over the years and unless the item has sentimental value, don't hold on to it. Donate it so someone else will enjoy it. It just might be their style now!

 I will be sharing these projects over the next few weeks leading up to the Jesus' Big Day. So keep your eyes peeled….

One of the things that was no longer my style was my tree skirt. I had made it when we first got married and it was crushed burgundy velvet and gold fringe… we were not married in the 70's and…yeah
…at the time, I thought it was all that. 
Don't judge me. 
I had been meaning to make one for a few years now but it kinda got pushed to the bottom of the priority list, year after crushed velvet year.
But as I was getting out the winter clothes for my girls, I came across the sweater skirts I had made for them two years ago and my thinker got thinking…….which can be a good or a bad thing depending on the size and breadth of the thought….
As it turned out, I think my thinker out-thunk itself!

Visions of creamy white sweaters danced in my head so off to the Goodwill I went with bells on!

Ready for some warm wintry fun for your Christmas Tree??
Yes a sweater skirt for your beautiful Christmas Tree…..and oh my gosh was this a fun one to make!
Took about an hour and a half from start to finish so you can make this in an evening! I love immediate gratification.

Okay first a few up close shots so you can see the details and then we will get to the details of how to make this!

So here's the skinny on how to make this toasty tree skirt:

You will need about 6-7 long cotton/acrylic sweaters with interesting patterns on the sweater.
 Now hack your sweaters!
First cut off the arms. Save them! You can use them as leg warmers for your boots or make Sweater Trees for your Christmas decorations!

So you have a back that you will cut a panel from…..(apparently my tripod legs showed up in these there photos!)

and a front. I did not use a pattern. 
I just cut a triangle that was about 2.5 inches at the top and 8 inches at the bottom.

1 sweater = 2 panels

Here is my pile of sweaters. I cut 14 panels.

Lay them out about 4 at a time. I cut some sideways out of my bigger sweaters so I would have some vertical and horizontal details. Include pockets and button details to make it really interesting if you want.

Here is some more panels for you to see. You do not have to have bands all at the bottom either. I finished all my raw edges with a zigzag stitch so there will be no fraying.

Now just sew your panels together! Use a wide zigzag stitch.You are going to sew all the panels WRONG sides together (or the inside part of the sweaters if you were wearing it.. touching) and the stitching will be on top and showing. Start with the wide end and sew towards the shorter top end each time. This way your front edge will be completely even and any longer pieces can be cut from the top where it won't be seen.
See below for what I mean.

If a panel is a little shorter than it's neighbor, don't worry. Just stretch the piece as you sew to make it line up at the end. This is a very forgiving project. If you mess up, you can always cut off the sewn edge and start over again so don't worry. 

If you get some edges of the sweater that slip up under your presser foot like above. Just stop sewing…..

…lift your presser foot…..

….slide the edge back under and let your presser foot down and start sewing again.

Finish all raw edges, top and bottom, with a zigzag stitch along the edge. You do not need to finish the edges with sweater bands.

 Now if you like a clean look and not a fringy seam like mine, then you will sew your panels RIGHT sides together ( by right I mean the side that would normally be seen on the outside when you wear it)
And it will look like this when you are done.

Make sure two panels come from a button down sweater like on the right of the photo if you want to use that to be able to button up around the tree. Or just don't sew your last two panels together and finish those edges with a zigzag stitch. 
I like the button detail. 
Your tree skirt…..your preference!

I think I might want to wrap it around me! 
I did reuse my velvet and gold tree skirt because it was one of the first things I made for our little home together so I couldn't part with it. 

Stop by in a day or two to see how I used it!
Much more meaning in its new use I think you'll find.
Now go get some hot cocoa and snuggle up with some sweaters!
Happy sewing =0)

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
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  1. What a cool idea, Kim! It looks beautiful. :)

  2. What a fabulous idea. Thank you for a great tutorial!

  3. Oh my gosh - brilliant! Thank you for the inspiration and awesome tutorial. Just love this! So glad I found you over at the Wow Us Wednesday party.

  4. Kim, this is the cutest project!! I love the story on the original tree skirt. I am going to share this on my FB page later today, I have another awesome upcycled sweater project from another friend, a double hitter! December birthdays are tough, we have like a dozen of them, including my husband's on the 22nd!

  5. Your sweater skirt is fabulous!!!!!! Soft, chic, country! Pinned. Merry Christmas


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