
January 2, 2014

7 minutes?….For Reals?

So New Year, new year to fail at my re-commitment to regular fitness. Are you with me people! Let's all fail at fitness together! Just kidding but sometimes…not so much. 

I always have liked running but since my last attempt at regular fitness with the Wii Zumba belt, I hurt my Achilles tendon and much like Stella,  I have never quite got my groove back. Plus I am a cold weather hater so I am never motivated enough to go out  looking like little Randy from A Christmas Story and run around the neighborhood to give all my neighbors a good, heck, hilarious, laugh. 
That would be me if I tried to run right now.
AAAAnd to top things off, I fell on New Year's Eve Eve on my icy back steps. That will put a damper on the whole "let's get physical" plan. 

Looking back now, I think I would have laughed out loud at the spectacle as I think I was having an out of body experience and just couldn't believe what I was watching. Feet over the head, landing on the back fat of the upper butt (never been so thankful for my lack of fitness than at that very moment…flab saved the day a bit), bounce, bounce, bounce all the way down 4 steps.  I think the 5 inches of down coat I was wearing helped keep the bruising to a minimum but  still sore and felling old.

Buuuuuut, as I was sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper on New Years Day, wrapped in 5 heating pads over various parts of my 44 year old body, I happened upon an article about exercise and how 7 minutes a day is equal to the 150 minutes a week that have been hearkened by fitness experts from days past.  Apparently, if you do these 12 exercises in rapid succession for 7 minutes a day, you get the same benefit as running for 150 minutes over the course of your week.


Science even proves this for all you skeptics out there! Not that I needed science to get me on board. I can DO 7 minutes, it is indoors, and frankly even if this is a total hoax, I will be moving 7 minutes more daily than I am currently logging so I think that is a win.

So whose with me in the pursuit of the 7 minute fitness!?!?!?!?!?

I even found a little app for you on iTunes so it is super easy! Just go to iTunes and search fro 7 minute workout. I love it!
Download and let's get crackin'……..on the exercise
….hopefully not your bones.

Let me know if you are doing this and I will keep you updated on my progress.

Just so you know, with a bum shoulder, I did 5 push-ups.

I feel like Wonder Woman
(but seriously, what costume designer thought up those britches????)

UPDATE: I did this two days in a row and am a bit sore. If you are like me and have been very sedentary, maybe start every other day or do modified versions of the exercises (push-ups against a wall for instance) until you feel like you can do a good 10 repetitions in good form.
Stretch afterwards…and lastly…..

Always being renewed,

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  1. You had me, until I read push ups. LOL!!!

  2. I have to admit I wasn't all about working out until about a year and a half ago. Now I go to a place that has just classes and the friends I have made there are what makes me go back. I was so sad that I couldn't go the last few months of my pregnancy with the twins. I just started back there and I feel great...your plan sounds like something I could do daily in addition to going to a few classes a week. Thanks for sharing.


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