
January 28, 2014

Blog Goals for 2014

So I have been thinking about my goals for the blog for a while now. Mostly I have been thinking" is ti worth it?" I spend a lot of time on it and not sure I am seeing the rewards that I want to see. But what do I want to see I guess is the better question. More traffic? More recognition? Not sure. I think I am overwhelmed at times because I work three days a week, have three kids that are spaced very 4 years apart so scheduling has started to become a bit of a nightmare, I blog, and I paint furniture to show in my booth.  And I have husband that I would like to see a swell.

i sound like I am whining. I know. I started this blog thing so why am I complaining. Maybe complaining is not the right word. Right now I think I am trying to put my thoughts into words and maybe get some guidance from ya'll about this.

Every time I think I should just stop blogging because I can't put the time I feel needs to be put into it, I get a great opportunity to do something that I would;t have if I hadn't started Reposhture. So I am adding scheduled to my blog goals as well. Maybe this will give me some perspective about how much time i devote to blogging and see if it is worth it.

I would also like to see my blog make money but in order for this to happen, I think I need to actually blog more. Again the schedule thing which I am not good at.

Any suggestions from yous guys  on how to blog more regularly or scheduled. You'd think I'd have this down after two years but my learning curve must be reeeeally steep.

So if I ever get my life together, I do have a few goals for the blog:
1. Continue to incorporate the Lord with in the posts in some fashion. I feel like I have gotten away from that so I am hoping to do that when it is appropriate.

2. Paint and share more furniture. In order for this to happen, I had to clean up  from the Christmasnado that touched down in the basement so that I can actually get to my work area. Furniture is a money maker for me and so I need to make sure that I get enough furniture into my booth so there is better turnover. You can stop by my booth if you are in the Pittsburgh area. I am located at the Antiques Mall on Ohio River Blvd. It is the big purple brick house on Rt. 65. You really can't miss it even if you tried!
Here are some befores and afters of the Christmasnado.





3. So from these pictures, you can see that one of my goals should, and is, to complete all these dang projects!

4. Organize the blog so it is easier to access the information. This one scares me because I know it will take time and I put things off like this. But I want it to be user friendly and easily accessible. So we will see if I can kick my own butt into getting this one done.

 5. Decide what direction to take this blog. I feel like I do furniture, crafts, and decor but not sure if it all works. Should I focus on just one or do you think it works? Can you let me now what you think? Do you like seeing a bit of everything or would you like the focus to be more on one thing?

Ok so let me know your thoughts and as always, I let you know mine!

P.S. Don't forget to stop by Compassion International and see if a little ones face speaks to you for sponsorship!

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
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  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and don't think you should change it a lot. It's great to have a chance to look at all your beautiful projects, be it furniture, décor, crafts - I love it all and it's nice to see a bit of everything here. Just keep doing what you're doing, you are great at it! Wish you all the best with your future plans and projects

  2. Don't be too hard on yourself! Life often gets in the way, but I think if you block of some time (30 minutes or so) just to dedicate to organizing your thoughts regarding your blog you will have some success. Maybe bring a calander out so that you can jot some ideas out and see it within a time frame. Set some goals for yourself and then just try to set aside the time--that really is the hardest part. I try to set a timer so that I don't get carried away. If I only have 60 minutes to work on something then the timer will remind me that it is time to move on. Best of luck!


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