
October 2, 2011

Knock, Knock. Who's There? A Knock Off Challenge

Knock it off baby! We need to find something that we really like but wouldn't pay for it. Then show everyone how we made it by our little ol' selves.  Here is my entry for the Crafting from the Sidelines Knock Off challenge.   I was in Nashville when I found out this was due on Monday, Oct. 3rd. SO I was a bit under the glue gun so to speak, to get er' done. I had to scour the Internet because I had no reading material to speak of, unless you count the hotel menus, so to Z Gallerie website I went a visitin.

So many cool things to covet. I know the Word says thou shalt not covet, which is why in general I stay away from those sites. But today I was going to make something that would look like $145 but only cost me $12! So here is the Knock off  Phoenix Mirror by Z Gallerie. You can go to the website to see it in detail.

And here is mine knockin' it's block off!

Here's how it went down:

You will need:
-10" round mirror
-20 gauge floral wire (3 sets of 30)
-1 roll of 1.5 masking tape
-Silver and gold spray paint
( I started with just silver and added the gold when I realized it needed to look more Champagne finish than silver finish)
-small fake bead necklace, like one used for dress up
(I did not have this in the photo as I added this detail later after looking at the Z Gallerie mirror reeeaaalllllyyy close)
-Only 3 hours to make and assemble!! Does not include the drying time for the glue

Roll out tape to 15 inches and cut lay wire as shown

Cover with another 15" piece of tape. Press along the entire length very firmly to keep together and show wire well

Now cut into two pieces.
Now make 20 more of the singles then cut in two and you will have 40 individual "leaves"

Now do the same thing but make them 9" long. You will make 20 sets as well. This only took me 1 hour to do all 80 leaves so just get some good music on, some wine and then get an assembly line goin'. Although be careful, wine might make your leaves look a little screwy after glass #2. At least it does for me.

Cut all of the leaves like this and then spray paint both sides. Do the Silver first and then add the gold over top lightly until you get the Champagne look.

Make a paper circle 1/4" smaller than you circle diameter. Mine is 10" so I made the circle 9.75 inches.
Tape it in place underneath the circle very well and spray paint with silver and gold like the leaves.

Make a template like above. There is a circle at 10" and at 14" from the circle center

Now smoke a good cigar so you can use the case to roll your leaves. I am just kidding, a test tube will work in a pinch as well (cuz' we all got test tubes lyin' around the house, no?).

Roll the large leaves down to 10"

Roll the small leaves down to 6"

Glue one small on top of one large using the template as your guide for placement. You should have 40 sets of double leaves. I also cut off the excess wire so there would not be too much bulk behind the mirror.

Cut out two cardboard circles the size of the mirror. Set one aside and use the other to glue your leaves onto. I ended up using 18 on each half of the mirror. I hot glued them in place once I liked how they were spaced 

Use two of the discarded wire to make a hanger

Make two holes in the cardboard and thread the ends from the back of the circle. Twist and tape down. If you do not do this step the wires WILL scratch your mirror.

My favorite glue. Generously apply this to the circle with the leaves attached and then glue the other cardboard circle on top. Place more glue on your circle and place mirror on it and  place heavy object on it to weigh it down.   Wait 24 hours.  In the mean time spray paint beaded necklace with same Champagne treatment and let dry. You can now hot glue the necklace around the mirror. 
This is it drying...... and drying........... and drying........ and d..r..y..i..n..g.....ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Wake up refreshed and
hang this Knock out Knock off on your wall in some fabulous place that everyone will look at say
"Ooooooh, Aaaaaaah" (My bedroom DOES NOT make people say OOOh, and AAAh. It is so sad to look at so this mirror is making it feel a bit more snappy)

Hanging in my Bedroom b/c I needed something over the bed more than over the mantel in my LR. I like both  though. See this mirror is so versatile!

" Is that a Z Gallerie Mirror you have there?" "I've always wanted one of those but could never afford it."
Well, now you can.

VOTING begins on Tues. Oct. 4rd and the polls will be open for 24 hours at Crafting from the Sidelines!
VOTING is open for the Wallflowers participating in Crafting with the Stars on Oct. 5th and will also be open only 24 hours.

So PLEEEEEZE vote.That's all I have to say b/c I have no campaign money left to hang posters.

Linking arms with these blissfully beautiful bloggers:
The DIY Show Off  Shabby Nest                           Photobucket"/
                               Dollar Store Crafts


Always being renewed,


  1. So fun! What a great project!

  2. I really love this mirror! This is a great tutorial! I have wanted to do one of these for awhile, but I tried one of those cardboard sunburst mirrors and it came out looking like a big daisy that I ended up having to hang in my daughters room :o) This seems pretty fool proof... I'll have to give it a try! New follower :o)

  3. WOW!! I love the mirror! So creative!!

  4. Ohhhh! I love this mirror! This is the most creative starburst mirror I have seen to date! I need to pin this!
    Thanks for the thoughtful comments you made on my blog, I'm your newest follower!

  5. Ya,know.... When I first saw this on your blog, it looked like you used the ends of those little metal things *I'm having a brain fart moment* that hold up your curtain rods.

  6. Brain fart, is such a gross word, but really I couldn't think of another term. I had a brain fart for my brain fart moment.

    1. Funny 3 year old was learning the difference between a toot and a burp. Well one day she announced "I just burped out my bum!" All I could think was "Just don't fart out your mouth!"

  7. Wonderful job!!! I really like it!
    I´ve met you after reading Olga´s post!
    I will stick around to learn more beautiful projects.

  8. Wow! You are really good. Love this mirror.

  9. It turned out so pretty! Sometimes our projects are so very laborious but the end results are simply stunning and yours takes the cake! Great job!
    ~KIM @ Sand & Sisal

  10. I just found your blog. I'm loving this project. Your did such a great job!

  11. Sha-zam! masking tape - who'da thunk, besides you of course... brilliant.


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