
January 21, 2012

Of Monsters and Men/JJ Heller

I love good music.  It speaks to me in ways words on their own do not. Music reaches deep into my heart and resonates with deeply hidden desires. It often makes me feel things that I haven't  even identified as being a need yet.  Sometimes you realize why the words or the tune haunts you. Sometimes you don't you just know that you like the tune.

We have a house that almost always has music on and I usually give anything a try at least once. Our house tends to have extremes in our musical flavors. My hubby is a big, BIG, fan of rap. I in particular just like to say Wacka Flaka Flame. It's just plain fun. And Mary J. can do no wrong in his eyes. I agree.

My kids haven't found their musical niches yet. I do think each one of my kids seems to have a soundtrack that runs continuously in their heads. Tessa's is the Tangled soundtrack. Incidentally, I love this soundtrack as well. Does that make me on the same level as a three year old? That was rhetorical, please don't answer that. Isabella is like Baskin Robbins, she has 31 flavors at all times. And Jake, well, anything that sounds EPIC is, well, epic. He will save the world having the National Treasure soundtrack playing in the background.

I'm all over the place with my musical taste buds.  I particularly love soulful thoughtful music and the other extreme,  where it makes me stop, drop and dance!!   I think it is good to pass on good music when it is found. I found two that I think you'll want to put into your musical playlist.

The first is of the stop, drop and dance variety. I stumbled upon this band from Iceland, Of Monsters and Men. They have only been together nice 2010 and I am falling in love with every song I hear from them. You can't help yourself, you have to get up and dance.

The other is JJ Heller- Although she has been around for a few years, she might be new to you and her message is timeless. She is my thought provoking music of the day. Just listen and see.

Now dance and sing and Contemplate what LOVE really means....

Always being renewed,

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