
April 29, 2012

Sauseege! Say it, Saw-siege!

If you stopped by yesterday to see the wine cork ornament, I promised I'd show you all the photos of our sausage making and I never break a promise. I was also practicing those photo taking skills again so this post is a little heavy on the photo side.

Drink some wine, my photos seem to look award worthy when I have had a glass. Yes that is all it takes for this lightweight to wear beer goggles. Now on with the meat of this post ( I know, absolutely terrible).
I had to crop my husband's beautiful face out of every photo to protect his privacy. No, he is not in a witness protection program, he just values his privacy highly. I can respect that but I did include his lovely hands in a few.
Cutting up the pork tenderloin because my husband wanted a less fatty link. My kids were laughing when we asked if they had any pork butts... well, frankly so was I

Ready to be frozen for about 30 minutes. Easier to grind when it is cold. So while the cubes were freezing, I took some photos of this years wine on the cool butcher block table

Our name means "little birds" in Italian. I love this label

Here I am "staging" the photo.... more like staging a cheese murder. 

Oh, the cubes are good to go so let's get back to the meat of the post (it never gets old, hee, hee)

grinding the meat 

 Okay the next few photos might remind you of health class and the "contraceptive" talk. Forgive me.
I have serious textural issues so cleaning and loading the "natural" casings onto the stuffer made me gag a few times.  This is true love and sacrifice for the hubs, I tell ya.

This took forever because those casings are wily!

He mixed the spices and the wine into the meat while I was loading the casings. 

This really is a two person job from beginning to end, but it never hurts to have a little overseer to make sure we are doing it right!

The finished product. It smelled so good but it is best to wait at least 30 minutes before cooking it up so the flavors can assimilate. 

We let ours sit overnight and had some for lunch today. I have to be honest with you, I do not like sausage. It is the texture thing but I had to try this because it smelled amazing. 

I will never buy store bought sausage again. Unbelievable. 

The other reason I will never buy sausage again is it was an amazing day with the family.  We got up and went to the Strip District (a local Pittsburgh market area that should be visited as part of your vacation when you stop by to visit me, hint,hint!) to buy the ingredients. Then home to eat lunch bought from said district, everyone helped make the sausage and then we spent the evening watching "Tin Tin", the movie.
Such great memories are created around food.

After I was finished cleaning all the dishes, I came around the corner to see my Izzy just sitting, looking out the window. So I quickly and quietly grabbed my camera and snapped these. 

She turned to look at me and I got this one. She is THAT cool

Always being renewed,

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh we love sausage and just the other day were talking about doing our own now I have someone to ask ?s of if we decide to see the thing is we can buy great non addititve sausage but they don't season their italian sausage right anyways such cool memories for yall.
    You DD is THAT cool!!! *-) AWESOME PICS!!


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