
June 1, 2012

$5.00 table made over in 5 minutes!

Sometimes a 5 minute shopping trip to the Goodwill can garner you a $5.00 stool that can be re-done in 5 minutes. I had to purchase some black shorts and a lack top for my middle sweetie for her talent show costume and low and behold as I cruised through the children's section this stool jumped out at me. Well, really I actually tripped over it's leg as I was backing up to let another customer  through. As I turned to see what offending thing had caused me to look like flailing mass of arms and legs, it actually saved me as well. I was able to place my hand on the top and steady myself. I looked down and this is what I saw. 

Light bulb idea!!!!!
Perfect plant stand but a little rough. But for $4.99, I can do rough. It is solidly made and just needed a little TLG (tender loving grooviness) applied to it.

I thought I'd stay with the rustic look but just add a little design. I just washed it off, added one coat of Minwax Jacobean stain to darken it up a bit and then added the design with full strength stain using a rounded tip small paint brush. All I did here was dip in the stain and then lay the brush down sideways on the stool in the 3-stroke pattern and then ad a dot in-between.  Didn't measure or anything 'cuz I am easy going like that.

I added the little detail to the corners only of the bottom shelf and let air dry. (In the interest of full disclosure:  start to finish was 10 minutes but 5 minutes fits in better with all the other 5's from this post!)

The stain flowers kinda bled a little on their own so I didn't have to distress it at all to make it look old. 
I think it has a touch of American to it. What do you think?

What kind of luck have you had lately while thrifting or yard sailing or trash stealing? (The first step is to admit that you do it......)

Always being renewed,


  1. What a great little table. Great find! I would love for you to come by and link this up to my weekend Linky Party called Rustic restorations weekend. I hope to see you there!


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!