
June 3, 2012

The Painting of the ROUND Table

It's been awhile since I completed a furniture painting project. Notice I said completed. I have a few started but it seems harder to get to with the end of the school year coming to an end. I am hoping to ramp it up over the summer and really get this business going strong. I am an impatient little person so God is always teaching me about His timing. I need to see things through eternal glasses and not mine, which read "immediately if not sooner" on the rims. More on that later.

I am not a person that sits on an a decorating idea once it has gotten in my head. I don't do a list of pros and cons. I don't call five people to see what they think. I just do it.

And I might yell something like" It's go time people!" Just makes it feel more like a mission.

Friday night felt like an "It's go time people!" moment except it was "It's go time Kim". No one else around so it was all on me. I found this little round table at the Goodwill for $10 about 5 months ago. I have gone back and forth on whether to keep it or sell it. I have nothing round in my house, except my muffin top, (and I can't even give that away) so I decided this one was a keeper.

But all the little details of this table were getting lost in the brownness of it all.

So i painted it orange. 

No, even I can refrain from painting things orange once in a blue moon. Oh cripes, I'm doin' it again. 

And Yes, I did not paint the whole thing blue as I thought the blue would  highlight those cool details . I think they get lost when everything is the same. I had to take the table outside because all of my inside shots made the federal blue look more blueberry and that is not the  look I was going for, for sure.

See how the curves look so much more curvy when they are highlighted with the blue.

The blue is by Behr and is called Bermudan Blue.
The boys in the house don't like the blue and brown combo. However, the girls love it and we outnumber them 3-2!

Gold Rub n' Buff went on the original pulls

See how the door details are now front and center

Left some of the leg detail unpainted so they would pop as well.

The wood got refreshed with Wood Restorer in Dark Walnut. Can you see the difference?

Here are the interior shots just to show you how lighting effects your photos. I am not a photography expert but sometimes it is worth it to just wait until the next day to take pics in as much natural light as possible.

Evening shot-auto setting, couldn't even get enough light using manual without a flash.

 Daylight- auto setting
Blueberry, right?

Daylight- manual settings


After: She just has more punch!

Do you see how lighting effects your photos. It is the same with your life. Having a vision is important. Making sure that that vision is correct is His job.

See here's me with my favorite glasses on. The ones that say immediately if not sooner.
Every once in a while I try His on. Guess what? It's not so scary and it makes me get MY priorities under HIS control, which really amounts to HIS priorities becoming MY priorities. 
See when I do that I just have more punch!

Always being renewed,

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  1. Thank you for linking up to Rustic Restorations Weekend. Great Table!

  2. I love how this turned out! I would have never thought to do, love, love it!

  3. Came over from Nifty Thrifty to see the drum table. I am on the fence about this one. You are right that the light really affects how the blue is perceived. I would have had to paint those little squares! BUT I am a paint-a-holic. I am liking this new trend (it's probably old - I just don't pay enough attention!) of furniture having both a painted finish and a stained finish. Your polish worked wonders!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  4. What a great idea! I popped over from Nifty Thrifty Tuesday and I'm so glad I did!

  5. I love this update. I would love it if you shared it on my linky party Tout It Tuesday

  6. so cute! i love the blue- it's a great shade!

  7. I so agree with your choice of color and not to paint that lovely detail!

  8. Whats funny is I really didn't like it on its own but between the chairs and with stuff on top I love it!

  9. Hi, I found your blog through Ginger Snap Crafts and would love to invite you to share this, and any other posts, at my Creative Thursday link party (open thru Monday each week) at Have a great weekend.

  10. i so agree with how the color now makes the wood pop great job love it

  11. Great job on the table! Love your writing style as well.

  12. I never would have thought to paint this table like that. You had a great vision. It looks great.

  13. Oh that is GORGEOUS!!! I love the way you painted it. It really pops now! Thanks so much for sharing this as well at Thursday's Temptation.

  14. Kim,
    This turned out beautiful! I love the color you used and how you just accented with it to make it "Pop". Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Thursday last week. I couldn’t do these parties without you. Can’t wait to see what you link up this week. Have a great week.

  15. Very nice~ Thanks for linkin up~ Hope to see you again tomorrow!

  16. Just wanted to let you know I am featuring this at todays link party! Wahoo!!

  17. Brilliant! I love your vision insight AND your cool idea for the round sewing cabinet! I think our cabinets are cousins...or siblings or something. Mine is not going to be as hip as your round cabinet, though, I assure you. That's because it's a "square". :)

  18. Could you explain how to leave the border on the top of the table? It looks like a perfect circle but I'm struggling with where to start...

    1. This was actually free-handed. The top has a bevel around it about 1 inch from the edge so I just used that as my guide and painted the edge and then filled it in.


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