
June 23, 2012

Vintage Downspout Planters

You guys are too smart and my kinda peeps! You think outside the rusty junk box.

You all guessed correctly about my "vintage"  downspouts!

I did make them into planters! And.....


Since you have been so patient and this post should have been up on Wednesday, since I do call it What Will it Be Wednesday......

Here they are before in all their "vintagy" glory....

And here they are now, still vintage but now with some coral bells and not sure what the vine is. They didn't even recall at the nursery where I bought it. But it has a grey/silver look to the leaves which I thought would look great with grey of the metal.

I wanted to hang this one on the garage by the door but I seem to be missing my hammer drill and you kinda need that to drill into concrete! So when I find it, I will hang this and hopefully remember to show you that photo.  Hanging this one on the fence did make me wish I had about 15 more of the downspouts so I could have one for every section. 

And here is how they got transformed. Just a little chicken wire and some moss did the trick. Oh and some nice think rope to hang them and add to their charm.
I had to first remove the flanges that were on either side of the opening. Then I stuffed the bottom with some moss and chicken wire to offer a little bit of drainage.

Line the back with chicken wire and then lay your moss on the inside to cover the hole. I layered this thickly.

From the back. Then just plant add your plants and your rope and hang where you fancy!

Beauty from ashes

What have you transformed lately? 

One thing I have been striving for is embracing my flaws. When I say embrace I don't mean saying they are okay. I mean they should be analyzed and deal with the ones I can and accept the ones I can't. Some are physical, some are personality (or mental as I like to call them). I have many and I am not sure if I can embrace them all. I think many are deeply ingrained and should be worked on. They need to be tinkered with so they aren't so sharp. Some need to be tinkered with so they don't cause harm. That one is my mouth. I tend to have a short temper and I find myself apologizing for yelling, flying off the handle, or having really ridiculous expectations. I have been studying the book of James and it is very convicting regarding controlling your mouth. So I am finding myself repeating this verse about 2000 times a day:

James 1:19 & 20
 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,  because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Some days are better than others but I keep moving forward and I consider that progress. I know I can't do this myself so I am relying on God to make those changes that need to be made. He promises only good to me and I know that struggles are good. They bring about perseverance and perseverance brings about maturity and completeness. Maturity and completeness breed contentment.
Contentment brings about beauty. That kind of beauty is radiant and should be shown off.

I hope  you have been working on letting your inner beauty out and showing it off. I also hope your are not trying to cover up the rust with a coat of spray paint. I think you should wear it like a badge. It means you have lived life, gained knowledge and transformed that knowledge into wisdom. And that is something that should not be covered up.

Always being renewed,

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My Repurposed Life


  1. I love the way the planters turned out. That's just how I envisioned them too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. OOOOH Weeee! They turned out great! I'm glad you didn't spiff them up too, much and left that original patina. BTW, Kim, I LOVE your historic home! I look forward to seeing more of it.

  3. Oh - I am drooling here! I want to find some of these! You turned a priceless find into something so beautiful!

  4. Kim, these are SO cool!! Stopping by from 1929 Charmer's Sunday Party. So glad I did, LOVE your site!! Shelly Andrade

  5. Hi Kim, What a fantastic find and a good eye to see the potential in these. Glad to see you had just the place to hang them too. The flowers couldn't look any sweeter spilling out of them. I'm continually reminded to try and see things differently than they first appear. Hard to do sometimes, but almost always worth the effort when we look beyond the ugly first impression. I'm now following!

  6. I love these I want some. I have never seen these types of down spouts I am in love with them.

  7. Kim, thanks for coming by Quirky Vistas. I like your suggestion for the aqua drawers, but the doors are too big. However, I do have some shutter windows I was going to attach to another drawer to make a jewelry storage thing for one of my daughters. I'll see if maybe the aqua ones could be used for that instead, since they are a nicer color! Thanks for following!

  8. Oh how I wish I had one of these downspouts (but I'd kill for 15 too)!
    And your daughter looks so cute in the background - she looks like a tiny little doll behind those giant downspouts!!
    As for short tempers - don't think they get much shorter than mine - it's a work in progress. Here's to working on our flaws.

  9. WOW! Love this! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. love the "planters". way to go and think out of the downspout!

  11. LOVE these...very, very cool and clever :) Laurel

  12. I love the transformation. The downspouts are such a cool shape, perfect for a planter. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you next week.

  13. How clever! They work perfectly as planters. LOVE it!

  14. They look amazing! Great job! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  15. I thought this is what they would become! They look amazing! We have two of these left over from our downspout makeover last summer that I insisted we keep. Great tips on how to keep everything from just draining right out of them! Adding this to my summer to-do list :)

  16. nice job! I love how these turned out, and so unique too!

  17. Brilliant!!! Love them - so creative and the perfect shape, too.

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original Round Up party is open

  18. I love the rustic industrial feel! I want some!

  19. Love everything about those downspouts, and love how you save and repurpose old items from your house. You have a great eye for design and plant selection in your planters. I love container gardening also.

  20. Repurposing is my hobby. Great project you have there. Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B.


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