
March 17, 2012

Big Blue is complete!!!

After a wonderful weekend with my sis and her bebe's I came back to my son's still unfinished bookcase/furniture mash-up. You can see the beginnings of this beast here. I have been stuck trying to figure out a way to make the back of the shelves to look finished but not boring, fun but not feminine. So because I have been stuck on what to do for oh about 2 weeks now, the poor kid has been living with this....

I only made the book mess, he added his own brand of decorating with the clothes.
 I got a little tired of the obstacle course every time I tried to kiss him goodnight in the dark.
therefore I got the painters tape and got taping.

Here is what I did. Nothing spectacular but since the books are going to cover it up mostly anyway, I didn't go too crazy trying to make an intricate pattern.

I just eyeballed it because at this point I was tired of the whole thing!

Missed the top stripe!

It was a little too electric blue for my taste so I toned down the blue by applying some ebony stain over the paint. 

As I was putting the books on the shelves, I now realize that first, he needs more shelving and second, I am not going to stage it because it is only going to stay like this for 10 minutes. But I will enjoy those 10  minutes because a clean room is so rare...

Ahhhhhhhh, a thing of beauty. 

Always being renewed,

Linking up with these blissfully beautiful bloggers: Feathered Nest Friday, The Shabby Nest,good one, ,,Photobucket
The DIY Show Off  shabby creek cottage  theartsygirlconnectionThe 36th AvenueRedoux Furniture Feature Fridays With A Shot Of Brandy {Primp} Photobucket

The Scott's Crib

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it feel good, even if it is for a few minutes? Great job, and what a lucky kid to have such a big room! With a fireplace even...


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