
March 9, 2012

Front entrance 2.0

Stay with me people! All will be revealed in time.... I would show you the final final reveal except Joann Fabrics did not have enough trim to finish the job and I am going to visit my sister and her five sweet bebe's this weekend so I will have to what until Monday night after work to hopefully finish it up and then I can do the "photo shoot" on Tuesday. Whew! The was one long run-on sentence. Oh what the heck, I'll show you the bulk of the transformation because how much can trim really matter?

So here it is!

Love, Love, LOOOOOOOOVE my orange door!  Yes, I did say I painted my door orange. My garage entrance door is a deeper shade of orange. AND two walls of my foyer are another shade of orange. If you can't guess by now, orange is my favorite color and it makes me happy. Life is too short NOT to live with color. My husband is just happy that I used some subtler shades on the walls. I love him too.

The creamy woodwork makes it look so bright now. I have no idea why it took me 7 years to fix this eyesore. 

Here is my floor again. The colors just pop now. Below are some close ups because I am always amazed at the workmanship that goes into old houses.

Great herringbone pattern.

These are individual triangles people!

So now the orange makes sense, right! 

So here is my fix for the badly worn, won't come off the walls tile. Could you figure out what I used on the walls?  I upholstered over the tile with a drop cloth! Yes, I did. Don't worry, I'll show you how just as soon as I get back from my sisters. 

I painted the original trim the polished pearl color. Which by the way on the previous post about my front entrance, looks a little pink in the color chip! Yuck. It is really a pretty creamy white. I thought the bright whites looked too shocking against the orange. I know the orange door is shocking enough to most people, I didn't want my visitors going into an apoplectic seizure. 

So I have to add trim to cover the staples but I wanted to show you the walls so you could appreciate how good a drop cloth can look. You can see how drop clothes are used for slipcovers, curtains, tablecloths, etc. all over the web. $10 covered both walls so if that doesn't inspire you to check them out as a fabric resource I don't know what will!

Pure Love

What do you think??? Am I crazy or just plain brilliant?

Have a great weekend and I'll talk with you next week.

Always being renewed,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so brilliant, Kim! It's beautiful. What a fantastic entrance area. Those tiles are gorgeous.

    You are absolutely right; life is way to short to NOT have color!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm looking forward to sifting through your blog and will be following along for sure.

    Happy Easter!


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