
March 6, 2012

Front entrance progress

So I thought I'd show you how the front entrance is moving along. I had today off so I was determined to get the painting done at least. Success! Painting completed juuuuust about 10 minutes go. Yes it did take me all day just to paint three doors, 30 feet of trim and the walls and ceiling of a 2x4 room. I am the tortoise, not the hare.

I forgot to take pictures of the hideous green that is on my interior door.  You have to go through two sets of doors to get into my house. Luckily, my exterior door has that same hideous green. Yeah me! And I didn't get a good shot of the other side of the exterior doors so here they both are in all their "before" glory". Seriously, I think they said "well, it's about friggin' time!" or it could just be my little voice in  my head that says that to me a lot.

                                             When it is warmer I am painting those bad boys black!

Here is a peek at the palette.   All paint was from Behr and I used the Ultra Premium primer and paint mix.
Polished Pearl
Silver moon

Flaming Torch

Here are the sneak peeks , but just a little peek =0)
This is going somewhere. Can you guess what it is?

This picture convinced me to keep the original tile. My floor colors never popped so much until I painted the wood. Am falling in love again.

Tile still there but I love the Silver Moon color on the upper walls.

Can't wait to show you the next and final step in this process. I think it might be my first Big Reveal! Won't the homeowner be surprised!!

Love you for stopping by to visit. Please come again and stay a little longer if you can!

Always being renewed,

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