
August 13, 2012

Project Mishaps

First of all before we get to the nitty gritty of today's post, don't forget to enter my first ever, giveaway!
Yes stop over to see the Communion table shelves and leave a comment that rhymes or is in the form of a pun and one could be yours!!! I have two that I am giving away.

And seriously, people, you are making me howl with your clever poetics. Forget or whatever it is people use have people enter their contests. If and when I ever do another giveaway, I am always using the rhyming comment as my form of entry.


Okay onto today's post. We have had a few "accidents" in our little neck of the bloggy world.

Yes, cue "Taps".

Remember this amazing creation?

It had a raw downhill slalom encounter with a 13 year old boys size13 feet. 
Guess who won? 
Yes, my poor ski pole lamp is being held together with embroidery hoops and tape. At least until I can find some time to fix it and come up with a better solution to make it stable.

And here is the other tragedy:
Some cute little 4 year old decided my rustic pallet table wasn't rustic enough. She added her own little artistic touch.....of paint.
That's why God created orbital sanders.

Always being renewed,


  1. oops! Having raised five kids of my own, I can relate. I finally gave up trying to repair, restore, "fix" things that had accidents--I just started calling the changes "character", LOL

  2. I'd seen your ski-pole lamp before, sorry it had an accident. I have 3 boys of my own so I sure know about the feet problems. Now you have a hoopy loopy ski pole, that is until you find time to fix it.

  3. I've admired this lamp a lot since way back when I featured it on my Friday Finds, so I share your sadness at its accident. :( But things are only things, and kids are way cooler to have around. :) I bet you'll fix it as good as new.


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!