
August 11, 2012

What Will it Be.....Communion Table Hack #2

So I  promised you another project from the Communion Table and I better not renege or I might be struck with lightening. After all, it is a religious item I am hacking apart, I might still be struck with lightening because of that one.  So if you don't see a post from me after this, you can send flowers to my family in my honor.  They like candy too.

Hershey bars especially.

With almonds.

Oh, that's me I am talking about! Still feel free to send me candy. I won't be offended that you think I've been offed! I'll be in my happy place eating the candy!!

Enough sacrilegious talk, here is the other project that I salvaged from the table.

Remember its humble, veneer less beginnings?

First I did this:

then I did this: 

to end up with this:
My initial "U" shelf.

 So then what do you do with a legless table, besides rename her Eileen? 
Limp along with me if you will....
I cut off both ends of the table

Then cut off either end of the apron as above

Here are my pieces.....

And this is what is left of my communion table. I think I got a lot out of her during her short stay at our house but sad to see her go. I did save the drawer and the cross support from her legs. They were in really good shape so saving them is worth it. I am sure I'll think of some use for them.

So I forgot to take pictures of how I put these things together so I can't show you how I assembled my pieces! 

Blogger rookie.

I originally was going to just make a shelf out of the pieces but then I noticed that the apron pieces had been held in place with small dowels and the final product was immaculately conceived. It was like a bright light went off  in my head. I would make a shelf with a towel rack! I just drilled out the old dowels with a 3/8" drill bit and bought new dowels to glue in their place. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.

Now to make them pretty!

  I glued the apron parts to the shelf using wood glue and then pre-drilled a hole so I could use a 3" wood screw to secure the brace to the top. See below.
I then spray painted the shelves in Strawflower after I primed them. The visible screw was not to my liking as it looked unfinished. 

I rolled out some contact paper  that I had bought to line drawers and decided to put it on top for a semi-french country look. Place your shelf upside down on the paper and outline the top.

Cut it to fit. If you look at the picture with the screw you will see that the edge is routed so I placed my contact paper on the square edge which left a bit of over hang in the back. Dry fit this first to see if you need to make some cuts to adjust the fit before you stick it to the shelf.

Peel and stick your contact paper like above and carefully burnish it down using your fingers or a dull straight edge.

Turn it over and cut off the excess at the back using an X-ACTO knife.

Take your hangers and mark the holes

Screw the hanger in place and hang! I decided to hang this in my back kitchen to take pictures because it seriously needs some prettying up. Yes, I have a front and a back kitchen and they don't play well together. It is in need of  a whole different kind of salvation.

So what do you think about that!

The red pattern and the black pattern might be a bit much but these were the only nice towels I could find! Obviously I must need to make a run to Target to replenish my supply.

Okay, the best part of these shelves is I made two! So I have one and so can YOU!
Actually, I think I am going to give away both since my 1 year blogging birthday is coming up on August 28! Oh and my 43rd birthday is coming up 10 days before that!
So I have two reasons to celebrate!

Here is how it is going to work: 
Just leave me a comment but it must rhyme or be a pun.

I find both of these things to be creative,  fun to do and and they make me laugh and I love to laugh.
So that's it!
  Yes that is all!
Nothing else.

I will put your names in a hat and pick one on my birthday (August 18th) and one on my blog birthday (August 28th) and I will notify YOU when you win.
PLEASE include an email in the comment section ( I can not notify you if you won if you are a no-reply blogger commenter).

I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with because I have seen what y'all can do. 
It's your own fault I am setting the towel bar so high. 
You did it to yourselves!!
Love you!

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies! Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Home Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality


  1. Ok you are seriously amazing - way way beyond my skill level, lol

  2. Oh what fun! I think I need to get myself one. I love a good shelf, but by myself, I despair of ever making one!

    Tee hee. Love how they turned out Kim!

  3. Im so proud of my pretty shelves, and I did them by myself. They are so pretty, you can use the for about anything. I like the first one, The U It has such charm, I think God likes it also.

  4. The holy dowel, holding a lowly towel, both used to wash away

  5. Kim hacked a holy table
    to prove that she was able
    to take some junk (what a find)
    and convert it into something
    we all call divine!

    (a poet,I am not, but hey, I wanna win, and you didn't say it had to be good!)

  6. There once was a funny old moose
    who decided to try to get loose
    he ran very fast
    but was caught at last
    by that funny old guy, Dr. Seuss

    (my best friend wrote that limerick in 4th grade and I thought it was so awesome and I have remembered it ever since)


    your shelves look amazing!

  7. There once was a girl named Kim
    She crafted a woodworking whim.
    Took a table that was stable
    And made a shelf--she was able!
    Now all that's left is to gift it to me!

    Thanks for the chance. First time here...enjoyed myself! :)
    debgiro at wildblue dot net

  8. Happy Birthday to you!
    I hope it becomes happy to me!
    A woman so true
    Loves things for free!

    What a wonderful makeover. I'll have to spend more time checking out contact paper. I've only used the clear stuff for projects. Thanks for sharing!


    1. You should be able to reply via e-mail, but just in case-
      poiselcarrie (at)

  9. Happy first coming up - it is a milestone! I like the fabrics together! You came out with some incredible pieces from a table - great vision! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  10. oh, how i love a good hack
    yours, is surely on track
    to find a bright place
    in my own salvaged space
    next to the door, not the front, but the back

  11. WOW...all of those great pieces. Love it!

  12. Happy Birthday to me
    means oh, happy day to you.
    My shelves are pretty, see ......
    Just love life, too!! :)

    Loving your Holy Hack - thanks for the chance!!
    cstonefield6 at gmail dot com

  13. another great piece of that table! looks awesome!

  14. What a great little project you've done. However I do hope you say I've won! Because I think I'll have a smile as shiny as the sun! Haha. I'm not so good at this. :)

  15. Kim is not a Whim
    She likes to give things a Brim
    She is happy with a grin so
    She is not Grimm

    lol never been good at rhyming or punning so that was my best 1 cup of joe shot.

  16. Love all the neat things you are making with the old communion table. I don't think God minds at all- He's not into material things just a relationship with us and since we are created in His image and He is the most awesome creator- you are just reflecting that creativeness He places in you!

    The U shelf is just fantastic!! So do you have more projects in store with what's left?

    bee blessed

  17. Wow you're clever! You made something to keep forever. It was a pretty awesome endeavor. I'm so glad a finger you did not sever!

    Lol. That was fun! I'd love for you to share this post at my new blog party too. It's called Twirl & Take a Bow at Every Tuesday through Sunday. Hope you can stop by!

  18. No thyme to rhyme - ha! But love your shelf!

  19. You are amazing!! You really thought outside the box on that table. So impressive.

    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  20. Happy Birthday a day late Kimmie! Your card's in the mail!

    I had to construct this rhyme
    So as not to spend a dime
    on that pretty little shelf
    I should've made myself
    But Kim risked the lightening
    & my house could use some brightening
    I swear I'll make my own
    when these gosh darn kids are grown!

  21. You asked for it Kim, so here goes:

    I lean to the right, not the left,
    writing prose, not poetry, blog-wise.
    Eileen called my name, in a post made by Kim.
    Now I fumble for words that will rhyme, guys.

    She's a shelf with a rich history,
    though she's changed her life-purpose of late.
    I'm aligned with Eileen in my story.
    May the Lord help my purpose be great!

    I'd be happy for Eileen to join Martha, Annie and the other ladies
    who live here!


  22. Hey - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! It's also my blog-iversary. How cool is that!

  23. Love how you are using EVERYTHING from the communion table! AWESOME!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  24. What a great little shelf. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  25. This is divinely inspired. I can't believe you came up with all this from a communion table! I am LDS, not Catholic, so I say, do what you want with it, at least it didn't end up in a landfill!

  26. PS I am sharing this tomorrow afternoon when my party gets going!


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