
August 6, 2012

What Will it be Wednesday....Communion Table?

My husband has become my biggest picker! I lurve him! He drives quite a bit for his job and has taken to texting me photos when he sees something he thinks I might like.  Well, He texted me a photo of a table he thought I might find cool and of course I said "Yes!"

When he took it out of the car it was a little rougher than the photo let on.
And it was a Communion Table! 

Missing part of its foot.

Would you keep it or toss it?
I choose to keep it and try to figure it out.

SO now I want you to go back to the first picture of the table and look really hard. We are going to play Where's Waldo, except we are going to look for the letter "U". As I was studying the table to see how in the world I was going to save this lovely piece, I noticed how the legs made an upside down "U". Well our last name begins with "U" and well, read on, faithful readers,  your reward is at hand!

I was going to wait to post it tomorrow but I am so happy with how it turned out I couldn't wait!
I know, I know, I am supposed to build up the tension but I am no good at that (I am the person that as soon as I buy a gift I want to give it to the person, and I might act like I am three and ask if I can help them unwrap it.... ) so here is project number 1 from my Communion Table Hack!

First I removed the peeling veneer and saved it

You can use regular scissors to trim it

Then I cut off it's legs! I know, sacrilegious. I think I might have said a prayer for forgiveness for doing this but then i thought, I am sure the Lord would rather see this table used for good rather than evil as in the dump evil. And so I cut.....

I reattached the veneer and secured it over night with my clamps.

I gave each "U" a fresh coat of stain and a good buffing and Wah-la!

I drilled two holes int he back of the other "U" so it can be hung but not sure where I'll place it.

A super unique wall shell with our last initial! 

This looked a little blah with just my Izzy's hand print and fist mold so I added some flowers. I love how flowers usually are just what you need to add a bit of shizzle.

I was planning on adding my other hack project from this table on the other side of the "U" shelf  but I  found a better place for them. I do have a picture project that I want to add here. When I start getting 8 days in a week, it might get finished.

I never noticed but I now have my cross wall and my communion table "U" in my foyer. Is this too "churchy"? I really don't want people tho come for a visit and start confessing their sins...especially to someone such as me who is so flawed.  I am in love with the fact that when I look at the crosses, I see God's awesome grace towards me in providing His Son as my substitute. In the "U",  I am reminded that it was from a communion table and I am reminded of what Communion means with my Lord and Savior. It is a precious relationship that I share with Jesus and this may start to be the place I do my devotions in the mornings. 

What a beautiful hack I am and am becoming through Jesus. Amen.

Always being renewed,

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My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

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  1. I love how you repurposed that sad old table. Most stuff, no matter how bad, can at least be used for parts! I think it's a beautiful spot for morning devotions :)

  2. Your imagination is far far away....:)

  3. Came over from Gunny Sack. All you need now in the foyer is a kneeling bench. Just kidding! Love the fact you are saving the table bit by bit. Very creative to find the "U"!

  4. Just wonderful, and what a find, your hubby is indeed a great picker. But of course it is your imagination, eye and talent that turned this into such a fabulous piece of wall art. Totally love it, and do not find it too "churchy" at all---nothing wrong with putting your faith on display, anyway, and I think it all looks lovely together.

  5. I love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Now, I'm going to have to find a communion table. lol! Thanks for sharing at Tips & Tricks!

    Have a great week!
    Stringtown Home

  6. that was such a great idea! i love the interesting shelves it created! :)

  7. Oh my gosh, this is amazing! I would never have thought to do that! Can't wait to see what else you make from this table!

  8. I so love it what a clever girl you are!!!!! I thought you were cutting it down to make a coffee table out of it. This has to be the most unique wall shelf I have ever seen! So pretty you clever girl you! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  9. You are brilliant. How did you see that in that table. Your post is so inspirational. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


  10. I love that! It's so great to see how you fine things in a piece of furniture that I would never see. Great job!

  11. That's awesome!! Really cool and unique and it looks beautiful.


  12. Kim, this is fabulous. Love how you repurposed it! It looks great now! Would love for you to share this over at our Friday Block Party at Curb Alert!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Love it! I've never seen legs like that but you did such a great job repurposing them!
    My favorite thing to do is to find a new use for unusual things just like you did!

  14. Super creative and cool!! I'm so impressed. I will be featuring you Wednesday with the new party link.
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  15. Wow, you have a great eye to imagine the possibilities!

  16. Very clever! Nice job too. Thanks for linking up!

  17. I LOVE this and would love to feature it but can I ask that you add a Permalink to my party so I can feature it and here is why:

  18. Kim! You made a good decision on keeping the communion table rather than tossing it. The result of the transformation is quite extraordinary, indeed! Come to think of it, if you had tossed out the communion table, you wouldn't have this lovely wall shell. :)


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