
August 8, 2012

Cherry Blossom Bureau

I am tooooooo excited about this piece of furniture! I might pee my pants, which actually isn't that difficult to imagine given I have had three babies. Okay sorry to gross you out but I am sure a lot of you can identify with me! You get super excited about a project that you have thought up and if it even turns out half as good as you imagine, it's a home run.

I feel like I won the home run derby at the All star game, so don't burst my bubble if you hate it. Just be a good friend and lie through your teeth.

Here she is in my foyer where she has sat for, oh, about 2 months.
She is very solid and has amazing drawers behind those doors. I originally wanted to do a "sewing" technique on her but then I was in a craft store and I knew what she needed to become. 

Now I am going to tease you a little with the transformation:

                      I must still be feelin' the botanical vibe from our trip to Canada =0)

Are you sufficiently pumped?

Okay, Okay, here she is. 

I am smitten.
I masked off the cherry blossom design first and the painted over it so it would look like inlaid wood.

I made my own chalk paint using Sharon's recipe from Elizabeth & Co. and some turquoise and cream paint I had left over from older projects. NOW I understand the appeal! Amazing stuff and the coverage is out of this world. Not only would I have had to sand and prime this piece first but it would have taken about 3 coats of regular latex to get the coverage I got with just two coats of the chalk paint, no sanding and priming required. 

I carved a few details into the wood to make it more like inlaid wood. A little sanding took the edges off and I think it adds appeal.

See what I mean about those drawers. I thought about stenciling some sayings like "holsters and hosiery"  or "foundational garments" on the drawers but then I thought she might think that made her look cheap. Add to the fact that this new generation probably would not understand what foundational garments are. And tracing the word "thongs" is definitely out of the question.

I used Minwax Paste in their light color to finish it. I had to soften it quite a bit by letting it stand in hot water and then working it in with an old brush. It was okay but I think I am going to invest in Fiddes and Sons wax. 
It naturally crackled in places which made it even more lovely. 
I didn't want the knobs to compete with the wood design so I painted the knobs to match. The gold glaze serves to further highlight the details of the piece without taking away from the flowers. The gold also goes so well with the turquoise color.

The color changes depending on the light that is playing off of it. Sometimes it is more blue and sometimes more green. 

So, Home Run or Strike out?
Doesn't matter really, still smitten. 

Always being renewed,

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  1. WOW, kim! that is just beautiful! i love the colors and the design!

  2. SO cool and I love your inlaid wood trick!! I seriously have to try the homemade chalk paint!

  3. It's ABSOLUTELY a homerun!! I love it! (Your post made me giggle, btw, too funny!)... I've been wanting to try the homemade chalk paint, but haven't had a chance - I've gotta find something to paint, now!

    Stringtown Home

  4. Beautiful! I love the chalk paint finish and your cherry blossom design. I have to try that homemade chalk paint as well.

  5. I'm smitten, too! That is just beautiful. I would never, ever have thought of making it look like inlaid wood, what a great idea.

  6. Total home run! Love the cherry blossoms and the color.

  7. HOME RUN it is so beautimus just lovely

  8. Fabulous!!! I love the transformation. Great job!

  9. You knocked this one right out of the park!!!
    Absolutely beautiful :)

  10. A beautiful one of a kind piece you created!


  11. Home run! I love how you transformed this. How did you mask the "image" off, that must of been very tedious! The results are so well worth it. I'll be trying out the chalk paint recipe, other is just too expensive. Just beautiful! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  12. This might be one of my all-time favourite transformations!!! Absolute home run. I'm going to be thinking of it all day.

  13. Love it! Pinned it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. This bureau is gorgeous. Your post is so inspirational. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


  15. Ιt's a special piece, love it!

  16. your bureau is gorgeous beyond words. you did an amazing transformation job.
    I'm in love with the color and the finish looks so professional. you achieved stunning results with your homemade chalk paint. ought to try the recipe you linked to.

  17. I am loving this dresser! The cherry blossom design is just perfect. You have turned this once tired piece into a real work of art! I have an antique dresser waiting for her re-do in my garage and have decided to try chalk paint for the first time. Projects like this inspire me to get on it!!

  18. Just to let you know, I featured your wonderful project today. If you have a moment, stop by and grab a featured button. Thank you so much for sharing your project on homework.

  19. Smitten as well. Drool.


  20. This is soooo gorgeous! Love the colors and the cherry blossom design! The natural cracking adds just the perfect touch :)

  21. I turned out beautiful! Love the way you let the original wood show through the paint as the flowers.. genious! I also redid a linen press that was in rough shape to start with.. these are great pieces and I snatch them up whenever I can! - Susan

  22. I like every single little thing about this redo! You really knocked it out of the park with this one and I will be featuring you next week!Thanks for sharing at Get Schooled Saturday!

  23. Beautiful. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this post. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It is open until Sunday night
    I hope to see you there. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  24. You always have such beautiful furniture makeovers. How can you even stand to part with anything? This is being delivered to Butler, right? haha! I love it! I'm including a link back in this week's highlights. ;) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  25. Was it a sticker you used for the flower print and then removed it?

  26. Gorgeous! I love how you masked the design out first, what a great idea!

  27. what a lovely dresser. love all the details you have done :)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. That's what happens when I get so excited ... I can't even type! Gosh Kim, that is absolutely amazing! So glad the chalk paint recipe worked so well for you! But it's that cherry blossom design that just totally puts it over the top! What a stunning piece of furniture! You can jump up and down all you want!

  30. I'm smitten too! Wow!! So beautiful! I will be featuring you on Wednesday with the new party link.
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  31. Beautiful, I have been too terrified to ruin furniture... but this might change my mind :)

    Melissa, I am (now) a follower and I would appreciate you following along with me too! Have a fabulous day!

  32. WOW!!! Exquisite piece!!! WOW again!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  33. Kim,
    Home Run for sure! What a great transformation!!! Love the colors, the blossom...well just love everything about it. Fantastic job! :0) Your newest follower,

  34. I have a piece very similar to this. You are inspiring me to do the same thing to my antique linen press! I love how the drawers are shaped - so pretty! Your painting highlighted all of the beautiful features. The cherry blossom is a wonderful touch that just makes the piece! Congrats!

  35. I love it!!!!!!!!!

  36. Hi Kim, I featured you today!!

  37. I am simply drooling over this piece Kim it is amasing. I too would love to know how you masked off the cherry blossom design. I will be following you from now on. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Fantastic! I love the reverse stenciling - did you use a stencil?? The whole thing is gorgeous!!!! Happy to be following you now... :)

    1. Kind of. I am going to do a post on how I did the dresser soon. I just have to get the photos edited and then I can give the ancient chinese secret!

  39. Amazing piece of work! Love the reverse stencil technique. Beautiful job!

  40. Kimmie, That is gorgeous - truly amazing. I have a secretary that i love, but i need a consult with you to tell me what to do to it!

  41. Thanks so much for linking up to Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill. I'm a little late with the features but you are being featured later today none the less!

  42. soooo fabulous.

    hope you'll have a moment to stop by my blog.



  43. You are sooooooooooooo talented


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