
September 9, 2012

Pallet Wood Art

I love pallet wood, especially pallets that have been left out in the elements. It just weathers to such a lovely grey.

I keep a few pallets around in case I ever need weathered wood and today I needed some. I had a retirement party to go to for one of my very special friends. Jan was the administrative assistant at Pitt (GO Pitt!) when I first moved out here to start my grad school in Audiology. She helped me make the adjustment flawlessly and was always there to lend an ear or to just laugh with me at the crazy stuff I had gotten myself into. I call her my Pittsburgh Mama, I love you Jan if you are reading this!

I wanted to make her something special and this is what I came up with. Indoor/outdoor lighted pallet wood art

The flower represents how she helped me flower here in Pittsburgh and the lights are because her eyes light up when she sees me and that makes me feel extra special. I also think she will flower and blossom even more in her retirement and light more peoples world with her beauty.

Here is what you need to make this:
pallet wood cut to equal length
2" bass wood (I used 2  24"long pieces)
3/4 finishing nails
plug in LED mini lights (I used a string of 20)
wood burning tool and tip
drill and bits
sand paper
glue gun and glue
stain is optional
You should cut your bass wood so that the top and bottom pieces are exactly the length of the pallet wood and then the two side pieces should be the length of the pallet wood and the bass wood.  See the photo below to see what I mean.

Frame out your pallet wood using the finishing nails. I started the nails in the bass wood first and then lined it up against the pallet wood and finished nailing them in. I nailed the frame in this order: top, bottom, left, then right. Then nail the sides of the frame to the sides of the pallet pieces as well.

This shows how I nailed the sides and the frame.

This is what it will look like from the back. If you want to stain the bass wood, do it now. i liked the contrast so I did not.

Draw out your design on the pallet wood with your chalk. Using your wood burning tool, burn the design into the wood. 

This is just like writing so don't despair. Let the tip get nice and hot before starting however. Once I had the design outlined I brushed off most of the chalk and then went over the design again. I like the chalk left behind, adds dimension I think.

Now take a drill bit that is slightly larger than the led light and drill holes where you want the lights to be.

Use your glue gun to secure your led light in each hole. 

 Uh, plug these in before gluing to make sure they work! Whew. Lucky.

 I am making myself one tomorrow I think

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  
2 Corinthians 4:6

Always being renewed,

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  1. Oh yes, this has got to be my next project!! The heck with all the ones already on the go, or the Autumn decor sitting on my dining room table waiting to be displayed, or the housework, laundry, cooking, sleeping...I have got to do this!! I love this and Jan is so lucky to be receiving it. What a beautiful thank you gift.
    Saw you sharing at It's So Very Cheri and I'm now following you. Thanks for sharing!
    Debbie :)

  2. this is such a cute piece, i would love to feature it, if that would be ok with you please let me know,

  3. Can't resist a good pallet project and this is an awesome one! What a great idea!

  4. seriously loving, you clever clever fabulous artist.

    come visit soon.


  5. I love pallets and this is an AWESOME project. I love it! Great job!

  6. Kim this is so cool! what a great idea. I think it would look good at a garden party or on a mantle. It would work anywhere! Such a cool project you did; as always!

    Yes I was gone for a while, I got hurt :( but I am BACK in action now. thanks for thinking of me XO Kasey

  7. very cute. I love dandelions and the lights is a great idea. So much impact with such a small project. Came over from DIY show off and I can't wait to see more o your projects

  8. Wow! Beautiful! Hard to believe its made of "junk pallets." What a great gift!

  9. Kim, this is great! I love pallets, too. I would love to make something for in my dining room. Thanks for giving me hope that I can maybe make something this great! Stopping by via Kammy's Korner.

  10. Kim,
    What a neat looking piece you have the lights, and thanks for sharing it at my party.


  11. Well you sure did make something special, and your sure did let the light in! Really a great looking piece, and I love it, but at the moment, I hate? you and all your freakin creativity. OK, I feel better that I got that out of my system - so what I'm really saying is I love it! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  12. This is a great idea. I have two pallets hanging in my backyard. Very creative.

  13. Hopped over from My Repurposed Life and really like this pallet project! Might be doing a few Christmas presents!

  14. Wow, I really like this, what fun and I can think of lots of ideas using this same idea. Thanks so much for linking up.

  15. ooo you had me at pallet....what a great take on the usual pallet art...thank you so much for sharing...xo

  16. Oh this is soooo cute! Pinning. I love the lights and the pallet together! Great job.

  17. Hi Kim, thank you for sharing your Pallet Art at Project Queen's Link Party last week. I'll be featuring it on Monday night at the Highlight Party. Love it!

  18. I love this. And it is official, I need to add a wood burning tool to my craft closet! Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  19. looks amazing :) can't wait to try and make my own!
    stopped by from

  20. CONGRATS!!!! You have been featured at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Come on over and grab your featured button :) You deserve it!!

  21. LOVE! Blog-y friend, need your own TV show !

  22. So pretty! I just love how this turned out! Pinning :) Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  23. fabulously creative! :) I love your pallet art.


  24. Love this! I featured you today!

  25. This is SO fun! I love this spin of adding the light to the pallet art. Sharing on my Facebook page!

  26. Love your creative art! Pallets are pretty much my favorite thing and I love new ideas of how to use them. Thanks for linking up at Get Schooled Saturday!

  27. This is just awesome! I love the idea, and using a wood burning tool instead of paint is just genius! Now I just have to find a way to make one for me! =)


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