
September 8, 2012

Frosted Glass to Mirrored Glass in 10 minutes

OK, so if you read my post yesterday I sprayed my green cabinet glass door with frosted glass to cover up the mess of art supplies housed inside. Then the more I looked at it my Mirror Glass spray paint started screaming at me to use it instead.

So here she is frosted. I did like this but I still could see chaos. And I had not gotten my order of Looking Glass spray paint in the mail from Amazon yet or I think I would have done this first.
This was actually about 5 minutes of scraping and 5 minutes of mirror glass and it was finito!

The etching spray paint can said to use acetone to remove but a metal paint scraper made quick work of it and I think I would have used a whole bottle of nail polish remover and a roll of paper towels to remove it all so a scraper was definitely more economical.

Hmmm.....what does this remind you of....although my biceps were probably thinking I had snorted something because they said something like "why are we doing this again when it was just done a month ago?"  Just say NO to the spray paint. And really, I did this inside which we all know is a big no-no, and I had to explain some very peculiar behavior to my kids for about an hour afterwards. Strange to have the "don't get high or sniff glue (or spray paint) talk" when you might be a bit high on spray paint fumes.

Okay and now with mirror paint. Much better!!
I used the same technique described in Mirror, Mirror post to make the mirror look old. I have a few tips for larger pieces of glass. This spray paint literally evaporates before your eyes and in order for you to do the antique mirror technique you need to be able to dab some of it off before it dries. So to do this, I really sprayed a lot in places so it had a little lake of paint. Then dabbed it gently with my paper towel.

In order to get this look, spray a layer of paint,let dry and then spray with a spray bottle. Spray with paint again and let dry. Dab off the sprayed water droplets with paper towel. 

Wipe in areas instead of dabbing to get a more antiqued look. I just did this in a few places cuz the whole point was for me to NOT see the crap! 

So now you have a vote, not that I am going to frost it again if that's the one you like  but I like giving people a vote since it is election season.  The frosted glass is democrat and the mirror is republican.

Thought it was appropriate since democrats tend to lightly cover over things and republicans can't stand to look at themselves in the mirror!

Can you guess I am an Independent???

Always being renewed,


  1. Wow-what a great technique. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your technique, Kim! Love it!

  3. Kim,

    My first time here, and I LOVE your blog! You're adorable, your projects are adorable...the whole thing is nothing but a LOVE FEST!

    I'll be back...can't wait to see what you do next!

    1. Thanks Margaret! I love new friends so I hope you will stick around!


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