
September 30, 2012

The Secretly Awesome Crafter Protection Program (SACP²)

If you visited my blog yesterday then you saw that I featured my friend "C" who did some super crafty/DIY things in her house. BUT she is not a blogger and has no desire to become a blogger but it got me thinkin'....and we all know how dangerous that can turn out to be.....there are people out there who do not blog but I know are creative but they have no desire or time to show others and inspire others. 

So everyone you don't have to be a blogger to have talent! We all have secret talents that are worth having someone shout about. And I love to shout so if you do something but don't have a platform like a blog to post ad tell others about it..... 

Reposhture Studio
You can join my new club!  The Secretly Awesome Crafters Protection Program. The SACP²! This club is for people who don't write a blog but still want to show off their crafty/DIY self.
You can email me a photo of anything you have made or done and I will feature it! 
How about it? 
You can even choose a super secret cool spy name if you want!!

I went to blogthings and took their spy name quiz. My international spy name turned out to be Baby Frost. Code name The Pilot and I reside in Venice (how to they find these things out??!!?? it is not supposed to be a known fact!) and apparently I'm very agile. 

I think my spy name will be Cassie Junkalicious, code name the Junkanator,  I'll visit Venice..... someday, and I am a good crafty spy because my brain is addled
in a good way
 if that is possible.

So the good part about this is I will feature  non-bloggers, once a month and guess what everyones photo will get highlighted!! 
When emailing your photo (s), please include your name and your spy name for fun or if you really wish to remain anonymous! 

I am super excited about this because not only do I think this will be fun, but I think the blogging world is missing out on a huge amount of inspiration from the secret spy world of non-bloggers, hence and forever after called the SACP²!

Mission #1: If you are a blogger, please feel free to post about this. I know you all have much bigger audiences then I do and it will get the word out faster. And it might even help to propel you higher up in the "organization".  If you are not a blogger then, please, please, please pass this on to as many people as you can, then burn the post to destroy any paper trail. 

Now help me come up with a secret handshake okay people!

If leaving a comment, please do not forget to leave your email so I can respond to you. 

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies! Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Home Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality

My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I am not all that good at handshakes. But, think you're on to something fabulous here. I know some very craft non-bloggers.

    My code name is: Sunburn and I live in Amsterdam... apparently I am a good lover.

  2. What a wonderful idea! My International Spy Name is Glam Moonstone (love that name) and my code name is Rawhide...not so crazy about that hmmmmmm

    Thanks so much for linking up at It's Party Time and please allow me to introduce real name is Mary Beth from Cupcakes and Crinoline and I am now cohosting the weekly party with Cheri.

    Have a wonderful week and I hope you link up again next Sunday ~ until then, this is Glam Moonstone signing off ; )

  3. Your mission, should you decide to accept, is .... I'm afraid my craftiness looks more like Agent 99 with a shoe phone than Mission Impossible with a self-destructing tape recording. I would love to join the SACP2 though (if only I could figure out how to make that 2 to the second power on a computer keyboard). I'm not as clever as Sunburn or Glam Moonstone so it will take me a while to think up a secret spy identity. In the meantime, I will send you pics of some of my crafts and projects. This is a great idea. I hope that you get the word out fast because us non-bloggers need feedback, too.

  4. Love, Love this. I am not a blogger but would love to show some of my special things to others. I see different things and think,"Hey, that is almost like mine, but I did this or that to it!". Then, I always wish I could show others how I did mine differently. Thanks for thinking of this, but most of all, thinking of others. If more people in the world would think of others, as you have, one by one and little by little, we could make the world better for ourselves, but most of all, for others. We also share those good examples of thinking of others, with the little ones who watch and learn from everything we do. That, is the greatest gift we could ever share. The gift of selflessness. What a wonderful thing!

  5. So you did go ahead with it?!!!! Awesome for all the non-bloggers out there, I would love to share this on my blog (not that I have a huge following, but maybe some might see it?)
    Oh, and I'm known as Kissy Whisper, code name Volcano, I live in Amsterdam and can talk my way out of anything. lol
    Debbie :)

  6. Great concept. I am sure there are plenty of people who do crafts and don't have a piece to them show them off. I am your newest follower.

  7. You make me LOL! I can't tell you my spy or code name 'cuz then I'd have to ...well, you know. ;)

    Great club idea!

  8. Hello! I LOVE this idea! I don't have a LOT of original ideas, but when I find something I like, I have a tendency tweek it to suit me. the way, my name spyname is Sass Whisper, I live in Rio de Janeiro, my code name is Punchline and I'm a good spy because I have total recall. Well, they missed the mark on that one! lol

    I found your blog while visiting Flamingo Toes. Thanks for hosting this!

  9. Hello -- non-blogger, but crafter here. International Spy Name Anaconda Caruso (you can call me CondiCar) I live in Paris (according to the quiz, in Kentucky in real life) and I'm a good spy because I am a good liar (according to the quiz, not so much in real life). This is a GREAT idea since I don't have a blog and am pretty sure I won't have one. I will be sharing some of my masterpieces. Found you through Flamingo Toes!

  10. What a great idea! I know there is lots of amazing talent out there that doesn't blog. Can't wait to see what they are up to. Thanks for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you tomorrow.

  11. I LOVE THIS IDEA, I just about fell outta my chair reading your post..ha ha seriously!! I am not a blogger I have 63 blog's that I follow daily and am addicted to DIY! I am mostly a copy cat, I find things I like and then try and duplicate them, You all inspire me to create, I am just not creative enough to have a blog or have the ambition and wherewithal to continue it. So I think my code name should be copycat, I took the test and the result was Kissy Typhoid( I'm not sure how to even pronounce code name Dynamo, but to keep things simple and truthful I will just call myself CC ( short for Copy Cat) .....I'm so EXCITED to join this club. You made me smile BIG today :)


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!