
November 21, 2012

Book Page Christmas Trees and Fall Fun

I saw a version of these trees in a Holiday magazine and decided to make these for the shop and put my own spin on them. I made the pots using the Lysol Toilet bowl aging method and then went to town ripping apart an old medical methods book. Had to be careful about not using the pages about female and male reproductive organs......almost put a diagram of a woman's hoo-hah (put-utz, ying-yang, whatever you call it...if you have a name for it.....boy this post is going down hill fast...) on the bottom of one of the trees. Good thing I was paying attention!

Acorn topper in keeping with the rustic theme

These will be great. Whoever buys these might be able to use them to cure the common cold using remedies from the 1950's.

And now into some Fall Fun!!

Burying big brother 

Now to be forever called the headless teenager.

Happy Reading!

Always being renewed,

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  1. These are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

    xoxo, Tanya

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  3. What a perfect project at the perfect time! I featured your project on my blog that just happened to be about Christmas trees made from books and magazines! Great job. I hope you stop by and take a look!

    Julia from Itsalwaysruetten


Lay it on me! i love to hear from you!