
January 27, 2013

Living Room Reno-need help!

Hello favorite people! My husband got his bonus this Christmas (Yeah to my fella!!!!). He worked so hard this year and I'm so glad, because he earned this. When he was getting close, we tentatively brainstormed how we would spend it. Which can be very dangerous but I had total confidence in him.  One of the first things we decided to get was a Sa-weet new refrigerator!! I know this has nothing to do with a LR reno but since my kitchen reno will probably never happen, I have a need to savor this one a bit.
 Ours was 15 years old and just about everything was broken on it. None of the drawers were still on their runners and the freezer door guard was being held together with string and paperclips. yes, it can be done!  I feel weird saying I love my new fridge as in love, love. I am sure it is wrong but I L.O.V.E. my new refrigerator! We got it at Home Depot and it was a return that had no price on it. Right across from it was the same exact model only, new. It was marked at $1500. My husband has mad negotiating skills and offered $1000 cash! And they took it! Scott, the manager for our Home Depot was so amazing and generous. He didn't have to do this but he did. There is still good in the world of appliances.  Scott was another stellar employee who helped get it wrapped and ready to be loaded into our vintage '78 Ford Pickup.
Isn't she a beauty! We got home took the cab off and hurried back to the HD so we could get it inside before daylight ran out. Cuz' we all know that is when the zombies come out. That sentence was solely intended for the reading pleasure of my living dead son, Jake! Just kidding about the reading pleasure part....

I can now see all my food and I am sure you do not need or want to see all of my food but it will never be this clean again, so I am cherishing the moment.

Okay so the next thing we decided to purchase was new LR furniture. Our sofa and love seat are 13 years old and although really not structurally too bad, I ummm, washed the seat covers and they fell apart. Hence the slip covers. Which I am seriously tired of straightening. Seriously. 

So as I was regaling my fella with all the ideas I had for new furniture and new placement, he says words that every woman loves to hear. "Let's do the whole LR over and tear down the ceiling".

Okay maybe not you but sweeter words were never spoken to me. 
I can surely wait a few weeks more for furniture if it means this nasty ceiling will be gone foreva.  

water damage!

Okay so I need your help! I am showing you the before pictures so you can see that I have no complete walls to work with. And I need advice on what furniture to buy to replace the sofa and love seat. I need pieces that are flexible because the TV may go in a corner but it may also go over the fireplace. I am thinking sofa and two chairs or sofa with a chaise at one end and one or two chairs. Tell me what you think???

When emptying a room, beware of what lurks under the couches....

a skirt? really? I guess when your 4 year old is perpetually undressing then this is bound to happen.

This Friday I emptied the room and here are some pictures if that will help you help me....because that is what this post is really all about!

Oh look!  One photo with clothes on! Rare...

And here are a few projects that will also be tackled along with the ceiling and walls.....
I want to maybe paint a cool picture frame around this grouping of old photos. Always take a picture before removing, or don't if you enjoy spending hours figuring out a layout for a second time.

I know, why Kim are you thinking of redoing this lovely 4x4 tile that was not only painted a hideous shade of poop but does not nothing for the beautiful mantel? 
Can. Not. Wait. to re-tile this and we also have a surprise for this fireplace as well, but you gotta check back! 

Curtains will hopefully get a face lift. But not sure in what direction I want to go.
Any suggestions?

So bring it on and let me know what furniture suggestions you may have and curtain suggestions. And while your at it tell me what you think about grey for the walls.
Always being renewed,

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