
January 26, 2013

Rolled Rose Tutorial

So I know I was supposed to show you how to do one of these this like three days ago!  But we decided to rip into our Living Room ceiling and I got sidetracked!  But if you want to follow along on our LR Reno, please check back every few days and hopefully you'll enjoy the journey better than we will. Yeah, since we will be doing all of the work. And you might learn a valuable lesson.....Ceiling Tile is for sissies! 

Back to the task at hand which is how do you make simple rolled roses from drop cloth.

If you did not see the first step in this series, please click here and you will learn how I cut and dyed the drop cloth using SODA! Then you are ready to try your hand at these roses. 

You will need:
Drop cloth strips, natural and dyed if you like
Thread and needle
silver glitter glue
hot glue and glue gun

 You will need a strip about 1.5" wide and about 15" long. To get the frayed edge, pull loose threads on just one side of the strip. I pulled about 3-4 threads off. Add a straightish line of glitter glue to the top of the frayed edge. This does not need to be perfect and in fact, it should not be perfect. Just rub the tip across back and forth as you run the glitter the length of the strip. When you scroll down to the third picture you can see the glitter a bit better.

Once dry, about 30 minutes, thread your needle with a piece of thread about 5"longer than the strip. Tie a knot in the thread and start sewing, up, down, up, down until you get to the opposite end. 

Here is it up close. Do not remove your needle but holding the needle, start to gather your strip of material. Not sure how to gather? Hold your thread and push your material down away from your hand holding the needle. Gently push your gathers to the knotted end. When you have gathered the material as tightly as you like, use your needle and thread to sew off the end with the needle to keep the gathering secure.

This is mine. I prefer to gather loosely but just know that the looser you gather the fuller the rose, the tighter you gather the smaller the rose. You can also adjust the size of the rose when you begin by having a shorter piece of drop cloth to begin with. All preference. We are willy nilly crafters here so if your aim is perfection, you will need to start reading another blog. I ain't that girl. Not that there is anything wrong with perfection.....

All you have to do now is start rolling one end. When you have rolled just the beginning, secure it with a dot of hot glue. Then continue to roll the strip around and around until it looks like this. Make sure that you keep the inside rolls even with the outside rolls or they will be loose when you go on to the next step.

This is what it looks like when you flip it over. 

Cut a small circle of drop cloth the diameter of the base and hot glue the rose onto the circle. Push down the middle rolls to make sure they catch the glue. If you want a more ruffly rose or something approaching a carnation just pull more threads! 

One rose takes about 15 minutes tops, to make, not including drying time for the glitter glue. I know, crazy good!

You could make a whole doorknob posy of these are add the flower on the bottom for some pizazz!

The next tutorial will be the teacup rose on the bottom so stop back!

Also don't forget to stop by to see how the Living Room reno is coming along.........

Always being renewed,

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  1. I absolutely love these Kim!! I hope you can join the Pretty Things Link Party this week, it starts at 5pm PST Monday. Have a fabulous day


  2. Love your flowers and thanks for sharing


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