
February 2, 2013

Sawtooth Flowers

So this is the last in the series on the Valentine's day posy flowers. We are going to make the two small flowers on the left. Both are made the same way.
You can see the original which included how to dye using cranberry soda, rolled fringed rose, and teacup rose tutorials by clicking on the name.

We are going to make a slightly different version of the rolled fringed rose. I call it the sawtooth flower. They differ only in one was made using pinking shears and the other I cut deeper grooves in to make it more petal like.

What you need:
Drop cloth scraps washed and dried and maybe dyed
Hot glue and glue gun
silver glitter glue
needle and thread

 Cut one edge with pinking shears or cut grooves like above. Now all you do is create the rolled fringe rose but instead of having a fringed top you have a saw tooth top or a more subtle pinked top. 
Yep, that's it!

Add your glitter glue to the petal tips, let dry then assemble your posies.

I used a scrap piece of cardboard and covered it in with drop cloth. Then hot glued my larger flowers in place. I made a little platform for the smaller flowers to sit on with pieces of cardboard and then hot glued them in place. They were getting lost with out the platform. I still needed to fill in a little bit of space on the left so I just added small triangles that had fringe on one side. I like that they look similar to leaves. 

Thread your ribbon through holes punched in the cardboard and hang. To make hanging easier because these flowers are a little heavy, make your holes more towards the center than the ends. 


Have you tried any of these yet? What makes you swoon?

Always being renewed,

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  1. They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing how you made them. Megan

  2. I love these. Thanks for the tutorial showing us how. Need to get drop cloth!!

  3. Thanks so much for emailing me about these. You know what? I think I want to make some of these for Easter and May Day (I'm not a Communist, it's just that May Day is the day before my birthday) :D


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