
February 1, 2013

The 5 Minute makeover......that took all day

I am scheduling this post since I am probably not going to be able to type after I paint our NEW (=0) ceiling. 

But first, How are you my women?? Good I hope.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed in the business aspect of my life because I have to do things at my booth (take down CHRISTMAS decorations for Pete's sake), clean up some Etsy issues, try and do posts more regularly, do projects for the posts, etc. all while doing the Living Room reno. Feeling a bit torn. Research paint color and rugs or figure out how to get more traffic so I can quit my day job and paint furniture full time?

And I have to apologize to all you sweet people and bloggers who take the time to shoot me comments regularly because I have been really lame about giving back to you guys. I have no excuse.
I know you are all busy too so I just want to say I do check your blogs and I do love them. 
 And I love all of you who aren't bloggers who take the time to read my nonsense. 
 Thank you for always being supportive! 
I will try to be better. I pinky swear!

Anyone have any advice on how to manage a small business? 
I know, I know. I have to take things slow but I am not a slow cooker. I am a deep fat fryer. I want things done in 5 minutes.....which leads excellently into my newest 5 minute makeover......that was really a slow cooker of a project.

You may be sick of green by the time you get to the end.

So I have this great enameled metal topped table serving as my kitchen island, since I don't have any counters to speak of in my front kitchen. 
I have been thinking of painting the legs for sometime but the color eluded me. Then I was reading in bed, in Better Homes and Gardens this month and a feature had one of these tables with the legs painted turquoise. Gorgeous!

So I took myself to the basement, PJ's and all, and started searching for my turquoise paint. But then I happened on my green paint from this dresser and then was in a pickle. Green or turquoise?

Really love green so started there. Thought this would be a one off and done. Nope. Looked pea green

Painted just one area turquoise. Didn't like. Maybe second coat the green. Not that either.
Kind of liked the green and turquoise thing working together but not the color blocking. So decided to dry-brush the green over the turquoise......ahhhhh, getting there.

now had to paint the whole thing turquoise

then dry brush the green

heavily distress..... the table, not me!

so getting there! Still wanted a bit more depth but I didn't have any dark wax on hand. So I broke out the next best thing in my secret arsenal....

shoe polish! 
I did try and make a video but I am sure I won't be winning any Oscars for my performance! Aaaand I can't get it to upload so I'll just have to tell ya'!  Take an old sock and load it with a little bit of the shoe polish. I used black but brown would look nice as well. Using flat fingers, stroke your fingers in light strokes where you want definition and depth. Turn your hand over or the sock around and rub it into the wood. Work quickly because wax dries quickly. 

I like black because it gives a slightly more weathered look than brown in some cases. But you need to play around with the colors to see what you like best. Always try an inside leg first to see of you like it. Saves you having to paint or sand more than necessary.
Seal with some poly and you are done. 

These next pictures are just to show you have color changes in different light. My table is kinda holographic I think.
2 p.m.

5 p.m.

8 a.m. back of table

same table, 8 a.m. front of table. Love my slow cooker of a table.

Are you green with envy?

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies! Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality

My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Three Mango Seeds
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. it was worth it!! love how it turned out.

  2. It's gorgeous, Kim! Good luck with the ceiling painting. Megan

  3. That finish is wonderful! Love the color and the kitchen is so cute. Following now, and looking forward to catching up on your other posts!

  4. I have a similar table. I just painted the legs red- I am a color girl - but I love your green. Actually, I have been doing a lot of green lately. I never thought of using the table as a kitchen island. It began life with us (after my husband found it in my parents' garage) as a changing table for our son.

    This is my first visit, but I will be back.

  5. Your table looks wonderful! I would never have thought of using shoe polish, I'm going to remember that tip for sure.
    Debbie :)

  6. The table is looks great at all times of the day! Great idea to use shoe polish, that is something I never would have use it. But, it has given me some ideas. :)
    Have a great day!

  7. Wow! This table looks great!! I'm a new follower ;)

  8. Love, love, love the layered look of the colors! The piece does seem to change in the different lights...that's great 'cause you won't get tired of one color or another! Thanks also for the tip about the shoe polish...girl, you are a genius! I have a regular job , too,but would love to just to projects and blog about them instead. Maybe one of these days.

  9. juneg@sebastiancorp.netFebruary 3, 2013 at 9:22 AM

    Hi Kim! You really went the distance with the table and its beautiful! Thanks for the link to the dresser and the info on its maker...the green you used is so fresh and spring like. Its on my home depot list now! I enjoy reading your blog and love your comments on how God goes the distance with us to make us his!
    Have a wonderful Sunday,

  10. Hi Kim! I'm green with envy!! Your table turned out awesome!! I LOVE the layering of color you did ~ too funny how different it look at different times. Great job!!

  11. I wonder how much real time it would take you a 2-hour makeover? LOL! Excellent job Kim, love the color you chose!

  12. Love love love how this table turned out. The color is fantastic. Thanks for linking up at my party.

  13. Oh...I expect this will be one of my favorites next week...could you please include my button?

  14. I am green with envy, that a great looking table!

  15. The end result is just gorgeous. Shoe Polish!! This is genius. I am sharing at my party that opens at 2:00 PST. Thanks!

  16. I love enamel top tables and you did an amazing job with the color for the base. I featured this today at my link party!


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