
June 8, 2013

Men's Valet....on a wing and a prayer kneeler

Many times I don't think that people get me and my blogging. It is most definitely not about saying"Hey, look at me and what I do" or for sure it is not "look at my perfect home" because you would be sorely disappointed in what my house looks like everyday. Add the fact that usually my kids are rummaging through five loads of clean laundry most school morning speaks volumes of my "perfectness".
 I blog because I think we can all use a little inspiration.  As women we want to create a home that we are proud of without breaking the piggy bank so we can all use a little budget friendly decorating.

I like sharing my creativity in hopes it will spark yours. I hope that by visiting with me, you will start to look at things differently and therefore will use things differently and creatively. I hope that by looking at things you already have and using them in a new and unique way, it will save you some money AND it will keep you from going out to the local store and just "buying"something that everyone else has just to meet that need.

You are unique and your home should reflect your crazy, cool and unique YOU!

 Mostly, I love blogging because I do get to "meet" cool people that I would not normally have an occasion to have met outside of blogging.

One such person is Brenda B. She had a cool vision, and I mean do mean cool, for her little prayer kneeler she bought from a convent for $30. (Miss B. obviously goes to some pretty cool places to find her treasures!) She reads my blog (Hi Miss Brenda!) and contacted me to see if I could and then would turn her kneeler into a men's valet for her husband. I am always up for a challenge and said yes.

It started out well used, which is good if you are supposed to be a prayer kneeler! I would hate to have seen this be in pristine condition 

I sanded it down and then washed really well to apply the ed mahogany stain. I apply the stain when it is still damp as this acts like a wood conditioner and the stain applies very evenly when you do this.

Sometimes you can start to panic at this stage in drying because the stain looks very patchy. But just be patient and wait for it to totally dry.

 Part of my thought process was to keep the kneeler as true to its original form so I had to plan where everything would go before I started to drill. Nerve racking. Measure 300 times, drill once.
I added the pants rail and two dowels for a tie and belt

I also added another piece of wood here so shoes can be placed and since Brenda's husband is about 6' 4", I figured he had some large shoes!

Adding the hanger was the hardest part of the whole process. Like I said, Brenda's husband is very tall and therefore has a very long suit jacket. I needed something stable that will hold the jacket high but be stable and not flimsy.
Yes, I did first try hot dog skewers! (Hey, I did say to start looking at things in a new way, didn't I???) But I didn't think they would last over time. Then I just decided to go with my dowels and add metal pieces to the hanger. Worked out beautifully, although I know I was sayin' a few prayers to get me to this point!

So without further ado.......Here is the Kneeler Valet

This is going to be in my Top 10 Favorites because, first, it's a kneeler people! It doesn't get any cooler than that.
Second, this project stretched me to think outside the kneeler box and figure ways to transform this piece and I always think that is a good thing. 

So thank you Miss B for letting me do this. I truly appreciate it.

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
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  1. You did a fantastic job with the valet. We could not be happier. It is both lovely and functional. Thank you! Brenda B.

    1. Thank you so much Miss Brenda, truly lovely working with you and your husband

  2. Girl, you're part visionary, part engineer, part carpenter. Love it!

  3. Kim - seriously, who looks at a kneeler (a kneeler!) and decides it'll look snazzy all dressed up men's apparel? You're a genius!

  4. This is so clever! I love how it turned out!! Thanks for sharing at Whatever Goes Wednesday. We'll be featuring this at Someday Crafts tomorrow :)

  5. This is so cool I would have never even known that was, or what it could be! You did an amazing job, as always!
    Kasey @

  6. Wow, you really put on your thinking cap for this one! How creative and functional too. Nicely done!


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