
June 16, 2013

Waterfall Union Jack Dresser

Lots of stuff going on right now with the booth and some private clients but  there was something I have had to do for about 5 years and have not gotten around to it. Get my growing boy a new dresser!

My poor kid has had a little  Ikea dresser since he was 3 and at that time it worked cuz' his clothes were like midget size (no disrespect to the little people). However, he is now 5' 6" and his clothes seem gigantic to me. And his clothes always seem to be on the floor instead of in the drawers. I have no illusions that bigger drawers are going to solve this, but I can dream can't I? You can lead a horse to water.....and I hear the promise of Doritos helps immensely in the incentive department.

I found this waterfall dresser at the Red, White, and Blue Thrift store for $9.95!! I know a lot of people out there do not like the waterfall style of furniture. I happen to really like it.  I like the clean lines, art deco feel and they usually have some really cool bake light hardware.

This one did not have hardware that was in great shape although I did like the style. It would not however fit the new flag theme that would be painted on it so Buh, Bye.

I paid for it and brought our 1978 vintage truck to pick it up. 
May it R.I.P.
 Who knew this would be one of it's last runs. Thanks Big Fella for the years of hauling goodness.

 Okay, I was having a moment there and now I am done.
 Jake originally wanted the Scottish flag painted on it but then after looking over my shoulder during some Internet research on painted flags on furniture, he decided the Union Jack was right up his alley. He is a huge World War I and II history buff and this fits right into his aesthetic. If a 14 year old can have an aesthetic.

I choose white instead of dark blue because most people out there are painting the background for their union jack in dark blue and although I love these versions I tend to think that the flag fades into the background. I wanted the flag to really be the focus so white it was. 

Now every piece I have ever done has an ugly stage and this one is surely it. I have learned to just plow through it and keep going because it usually starts to look better with the second coat. Always remember, it is just paint so if you really hate it, you can always paint over it. And over it and over it....Just kidding. Perserverance is a hard thing to learn but it is worth it for it brings about character and maturity. Most people who know me realize that the maturity factor is a long way off. But then again, that's why they like hanging out with me =0)

See, much better. 
I will let you know that I just measured and marked the middle both vertically and horizontally and then made the red stripe 6" wide. Do what looks good to you because every dresser is a little different so it will require different measurements. I then just eyeballed the rest of the stripes. Also for the big red stripe, I taped it all the way down and across and then used an X-acto knife to cut away the middle pieces of tape. Much crisper lines.

Oh, and another thing. This is a biggy
You will need to sand/distress AND wax/seal your reds separately or you will have a pink Union Jack. Yes, Pink. And then you will have to try and convince your daughter that she really needs a new pink Union Jack dresser and the whole Great Britain, World War II thing will need to be explained and they won't get "it" and its so not worth it!! 
So sand separately.

Ok, on with the show! Here is Jake's big boy dresser, 5 years belated....

Jake has some great staging items to pick from. These are all his.

Trying to rummage in his room quietly for staging items at 7:30 in the morning during summer break isn't easy! But when the lighting is good, you gotta start snapping!

These handels were snagged at Hobby Lobby. I was worried they might be too girly but Jake loved them and they really look great on the dresser. 

I am always amazed at how a little bit of leftover paint, $12 worth of new hardware, and some elbow grease can change a dilapidated piece into something swell. 

James 1:2-4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Always being renewed,

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  1. love the dresser, the shades you chose look terrific!

  2. Kim you turned this old piece of furniture into a statement piece of art! Love it girl!

  3. Looks fantastic! Great way to update an old dresser!

  4. I absolutely love this, Kim! The distressing is just perfect and it looks like it is something you'd find at Restoration Hardware. :)

  5. Lovely!!! Did you use chalk paint for all that beautiful distressing? And what kind if wax? I am working on some chairs right now and have been out for advice from the makers of gorgeous furniture. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Just beautiful! Perfect design for a waterfall dresser!

  7. What a great job you did on this! I featured it on Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life.


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