
July 25, 2013

Initial Wall

I am going to be in Vegas this week with my man for a few days so feel free to come over and take what you want! Don't clean me out, just help control the hoard if you don't mind. Since I will be away, I thought I'd show you a wall project that is pretty easy to do and I love it because it has to do with family....and I loves me my fam.

I had this idea to build an initial wall in my foyer. My goal was to make each letter a little bit different and hopefully reflect a little bit of the persons personality. Which is harder to do than you might think. It could go from classy to scrapbook scrappy in a hot minute. 
 It seems like I have been working on my initial wall for a year. When I looked back at the dates of my first photos it has been more like a year and a half! These things take time I guess if you want it to look well thought out.

I tried to take a photo each time I added a letter from the same spot so it was kind of fun to see it come together. It is really fun when you click through the pics on the camera really fast! Then it only takes 5 seconds to complete and not a year and a half! 

The J is for Jake, my 14 year old son. I found his letter at the Goodwill with a giant crack in it. Perfect for him and his sense of humor.

The A is for my husband and he got a shot of gold because his is solid gold in my book. He's worth a boat load, well not in actual assets, but to me and my kiddos, he is of great value. 

The K is for me and yes I am framed but not because I am more important, I just liked the frame and wanted to use it on the wall. Ok, I am a little bit more important...

The I is for IzzyB and she got some swirly orange craft paper because she is an awful like her mom and she is loves to use paper in crazy good ways. Oh, and Jake got sprayed glossy black. 
Just because I like it better than silver and I thought we were getting a little heavy into precious metals. 
Which is good for your stock portfolio, not so much a wall.

The T is for Tessa and she got some pallet wood made into a T and decorated with my wood burning tool and some silver leaf. She carefully picked out a T just like this at the Hobby Lobby but it was about 2 inches tall.  Then she didn't want to give it up so I did what all moms would do and let her love it in her room and spent two hours creating another one. 
Plus to avoid future psychological bills, all the letters need to be in the same size range so no one thinks I love them more than anyone else. Ok, the J just dwarfs the I and the T...but so far no one has really noticed because they LOVE their letters. We may have avoided additional months of therapy! 

I tried to get a few close-ups of the girl letters since they are a little more complicated, just like us women...

 I took a frame I found at the thrift and covered it with a page from a medical book about ears.  
Why ears?
Cuz' I'm a professional audiologist by day! 
So I thought this would be a fun addition to my letter about me.

Then I took two corks and cut them in half and hot glued them to the letter K

and then hot-glued them to the frame. I covered them in fake paper bag bay leaves. Just paint a brown paper bag with some green paint and then some gold streaks for sheen. Cut into leaves and hot glue over your letter.

The I was inspired by WhipperBerry. The only thing I did differently was that I lined the entire inside of the letter with the craft paper. 

Just draw your design with a pencil and then go over it with your burning tool. Add your leaf wherver you want it to be. Find out how to silver leaf here.

Now my only problem is that I need to add something on the U from my Communion Table Hack and I don't want to wait another 12 months before I find it. 

Any suggestions?

And if by some micro chance that my kids are reading this.....I love you all the same and beyond measure. Or as we are fond of saying at night....I love you to infinity.....I love you to infinity plus, I love you to infinity plus infinity.....
So you get it...
I love you to the deepest parts of my heart....and then go deeper still. 

Always being renewed,


  1. I love that you made each letter relate to the person, and I love the gold highlights on your "U". It's more meaningful. I'm picking up odd letters when I see them. I hope to have a whole alphabet for a future grandchild's room...and my kiddos aren't even married yet! I guess that gives me plenty of time...

  2. These look great! I will never lookat an initial plaque again without pondering its many possibilities, thanks to you, haha! I found your blog through the DIY Showoff blog. I, too, am a blogger from Pittsburgh looking to support other local bloggers. Keep up the great work! Stopping by from Hoyby Crafts

  3. This is such a great idea! If I do one using the first letters of all 5 of my children's names with the first letter of our last name, it would spell...H.E.A.R.B.S ! Enjoy your time in Vegas.

    1. I Love that Jenny! It makes your family "spicy!"


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