
July 28, 2013

MMS MilkPaint Fun

Hey everyone! I am getting back from Vegas today and I am so excited to hug my kids. Four days is a long time to be away from the munchkins and I need some snuggles. But I promised you a post or two while away so here's something else I did last week instead of packing for the trip!

Guess what I got?
Yep, I jumped on the Miss Mustard Seed MilkPaint bandwagon. 

I have been wanting to for a while but finally decided to just order it and be done. I loved all of the colors so it was hard to choose. I started with Flow Blue and Tricycle for their deep saturated color..

Now what to use it on?
Our little town of Bellevue has a sidewalk sale the third weekend in July every year. All the stores in the business district put out tables filled with fun finds.

I found this little rocking horse for $2.00 and decided that THIS is what I would try my Tricycle color on. I figured I'd start small and see how it goes. From what I have read Milkpaint is a little unpredictable based on the finish that you have on your piece. So until I got a handle on how to mix, paint, and seal etc. I thought small was the way to go before painting a dresser etc. 
This is so NOT my style. But that is why paint is so cool. It transforms so much, so easily, and at such a small cost. I wanted this to look less Christmassy and more Vintage toy.

I gave the whole rocking horse 2 coats of grey chalk paint. I then painted the rockers in Chalkboard paint and the seat in the tricycle. 

 Here's my new "Vintage" Rocking Horse

 I thought the rockers would be fun to customize every once in a while, which is why the chalkboard paint was used. I can write sayings or just doodle whatever strikes my fancy.

What I found out about MMS MilkPaint:
Mix it in the right ratio. I made mine too watery at first and it just rolled off and puddled. I was trying to mix only a very small amount and that makes it a little tough to judge amounts. 
Mix it well: Take the full 5 minutes to mix it. It takes some time for the pigment to absorb the water fully. Just keep mixing. I started with a popsicle stick and moved to just using my brush since it was such a small batch. Her website says to use a blender for larger batches. Mix it while painting to keep the pigments consistent because they will settle so mix well before and during each coat.
It adheres REALLY well to porous material. I had to really sand the red to get it to distress. If I had added the hemp oil or wax over the grey chalk paint, it would have chipped off better. I used the remaining paint on a little step stool I bought at an estate sale last week and it chipped well.

You know what else I found out?
I love this red color.

Just like old can be made new again with a little paint....
new can be made old with a little paint!

Always being renewed,


  1. I am very impressed! The rocking horse looks bee.u.tee.ful. Good job.

  2. I am trying to decide if I want to try Miss Mustardseed. I wish I could see the colors in person.

  3. Your rocking horse is so gorgeous. I love it. I finally got around to posting one of my furniture recreated projects. Love to know your thoughts. Cheers Amanda -

  4. It looks beautiful. The red is gorgeous and you did a great job. Inspiring!


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