
July 11, 2013

Some completed projects

So I know I told you a few days ago that I hadn't felt like doing much and that writing that post seemed to help me get moving?

Well, did it ever!

Because I am now able to walk again, I got moving yesterday and completed 3 projects that desperately needed completing:
I finally got some legs on the chicken coop and made it into my coffee table

I'm still working on how to style it but it at least is a coffee table. Oh Yeah, do you see my poor lone egg? No the other 3 did not hatch, but they have certainly gone missing. I have searched all the regular hiding places that Tessa usually haunts and they have not turned up.....and she can't remember where she hid them. 

Alas, I'll miss missing things when she's gone.....but right now, not so much.
I'll show you how to make these legs in a day or two.

 I turned this stool I found on the trash into a piano bench for IzzyB.

And I made this found frame into a bench....

I got a lot done yesterday but wound up being a little grouchy then at the end of the day because I was tired. 
 It doesn't help if you get things done if you are mean to your family.
I need to work on that.

So today I decided to do just one thing and save some energy for the kiddos and my man.
That one thing was cleaning and organizing the food pantry..... 
 Your pantry doesn't function well when things are stacked on top of, and behind, and under each other. Which means I don't function well.

 and then the cooking utensil/appliance pantry.
 Hey Jack, any one need 5 Bundt pans???
I mean really, why do we hold onto these things for so long? I found a Christmas tree platter and matching bowl that I have NEVER used and got for our wedding 19 years ago! I decided that I have done my duty and kept it for significantly longer than etiquette requires and someone else could benefit from it's golden goodness. I have a boat load to sell at my yard sale now!

Clean, mean, functioning pantry machine.
And I have enough energy left over to play hide and seek with my kids.
maybe I'll find those eggs....

Always being renewed,

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  1. Wow! You got so much takes me forever to finish projects. Right now I'll blame it on the heat. I mean really, who wants to paint or sand or do ANYTHING when it's 110 out?

  2. Wow, Kim! That coffee is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love the green legs on it. :D

  3. Go Kim... Go Kim... Go Kim... Go Kim... Go!

  4. Hi Kim, glad you're feeling a bit better. I'm swooning over your chicken coop coffee table. Wow! Those legs! Oh my! I shared your post today on Friday Finds. Thanks, and enjoy your weekend!


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